

  • Good shout Gorilla!! :happy: Welcome to the family djjoslyn! :smile:
  • Thank you GorillaNJ, I'll try harder to meet my body's expectations. And thanks to everyone else for your support and tips. :-)
  • I haven't had dinner yet, but I know what I will be having so I added that onto my llist, i.e. I won't be adding anything else to the food list today. Like I said though, I don't feel like I am depriving myself and would feel as if I was overeating if I ate much more. Hmmmm, I'm confused!! haha.
  • A summary of today's food is toast and coffee, baked salmon, cous cous, tomatoes, yoghurt, steamed vegetables. I'm also drinking lots of water, as I usually do, so that may contribute to my feeling full.
  • Weekly target for weightloss was 1.5 pounds and activity of 4 x 30 minute sessions.