I'm willing, a membership is just a little to pricey for this gal! Thanks for the book idea though! I'll have to Amazon that! You've really been a huge help.
:happy: Beautiful! Thank you! Great advice.
So glad I posted this, I'm learning way more than expected! Thanks for taking the time by the way. I have been strength training - but with little ol' 5 pounders so I guess that's not cutting it? I have seen a difference in my arms though! I'll definitely have to look more deeply into strength training properly! And get…
Pregnant??? :huh: Haha but I'm happy for you!! 20 pounds is fantastic!
Thank you!! :) I'll be checking those websites out ASAP! I'll take anything I can get. Good luck to you as well!
Absolutely, you're right! It's become a chore rather then something I enjoy doing. Beautifully said! :) Thank you! I'll definitely down size it to 2-3 times a week and add the strength training! How long do you recommend doing strength training?
Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to share those links! I'll be dissecting them in a bit :)!
Thank you! The link is really helpful, I didn't know about any of this information until now! It's a great tool!
Thank you so much! Just put all my information in and it's extremely helpful as well as your advice! I'll definitely be increasing my calories - that's just what I needed to hear! :smile:
It's strange, right! Props to you for sticking to it though - it's tough. Thank you :) I hope things get better for you as well! Let me know how the journey goes!