

  • According to the BMI calculator, I should be at 200 lbs or less. I'm 75 inches tall, and 200 pounds would make me look like a marathon runner. I haven't been 200 pounds in 20 years. BMI does not take into account differences in size. According to BMI, we should all be the same size (within a few pounds of each other), and…
  • Well, if it weren't for the $50 or $60 bucks I make there in tips each night, I probably wouldn't work there, either. Like I said, I try to make myself un-hungry so the pizza won't be too tempting. I have a plan of action and a desire to lose a few pounds, so the motivation is there, as well.
  • I work at Domino's, so just imagine what I have to go through every shift! I try to eat dinner before my shift starts- chicken salad wrap, for instance, and I bag up some carrots to take with me. When I start getting hungry (and I always do), I munch a couple of carrot sticks and tell my self to wait a while longer. On the…
  • I alternate 4 sets of 5 reps on the ab-wheel with 4 sets of 10 6-count body builders: Start standing up. 1) Squat, 2)thrust legs out behind you (push-up/ plank position), 3) down push-up position, 4)push-up, 5) squat position, 6) stand. You could replace the ab wheel with a couple sets of crunches and your cost is zero. Do…
  • People buy cars they can't afford to impress people they don't know or don't like...
  • Take the motorcycle safety course. It only costs about $100 and they provide the bikes. If you're military (or a spouse) you can probably take the course free of charge. Do it! You may find it a lifestyle you can fall in love with! As for me... I'd like to take my motorcycle on a cross country ride with nothing but a…
  • Pull-ups. I can do one. It's one of the hardest exercises to do (hands facing forward), especially for someone carrying as much extra weight as I do.
  • :mad: I'm a little shocked to see how many calories I was consuming when I started using this app. It's a bit frustrating not being able to snack as much, so I'll have to get used to doing something other than eating. Also, working part time at Domino's is going to be a huge hurdle. So much pizza, so little time!