

  • The recommendations on the back of most foods show it in tbsp or tsp and then with a (gram) calculation. When I put in 1/3 cup or 1/4 tsp it's because I did the conversion and didn't create a new entry. It's not that I don't weigh the food, I just input it differently Bc sometimes the grams drop down isn't there.
  • When I cook 2-3 days of meat, it's cooked in less than 10g of olive oil.
  • bah...so when I cook a BUNCH of meat to eat for 2-3 days, how to accurately record the caloric value? Is there a way to take the un-cooked weight, and the cooked weight, and calculate the difference?
  • It's a very small suggestion, but when this happens to me I take Guarana. It was great for giving me the energy to get through the day and my workouts. Simple dietary supplement you can get anywhere.
  • For the sake of transparency, here is what I look like. I'm 6' 253. http://i512.photobucket.com/albums/t330/frankum187/me_zps4199377b.jpg I want to be 200 pounds. I haven't been 200 pounds since I was 18 years old. I understand what people say when they say "muscle weighs more than fat". It's denser, so 1 lb of fat has…
  • Thanks again everyone. The help is hugely appreciated. What I've decided to do is this: 1. Cut back working out to 6 days a week. Lift 3 days with cardio afterwords and have 3 days dedicated to only cardio. 2. Cut calories down to 1,700 3. Stop taking protein shakes, giving me more calories to physical eat (instead of…
  • I will start adding in a rest day, may start today. I just can't fathom how my recording isn't accurate. The only thing that might be inaccurate is the rice? The only measuring I have found is in cups and it doesn't give a gram weight conversion. I don't use measuring cups except for rice. Because I don't know how to…
  • The lifting routine is not new. I've been lifting for about 16 weeks now. The cardivascular routine is new. I used heavy just to show that I'm not going through the motions. It's intense. I vary my weight and reps to make sure it's not the same thing all the time. I lift and then do the treadmill to get into shape. I'm…
  • I wear a fitbit to track my exercise calories. I don't input my weight training so only my cardio gets added. I take the protein only with water. Only other liquid I drink is alcohol once a week (i record it) and cherry coke zero. I don't add that and I only drink maybe 1 cup a day. The rice is measured cooked. I weigh…
  • I have opened my diary to the public. But yes, I do weigh everything. I work out enough and I have enough muslce that 2,100 calories should absolutely have me at a deficit. But I also have a very sedentary desk job.
  • I record everything. I weigh every meal. My current caloric defecit is 400-600 calories a day. Still, no weight loss and I've even gained weight. Friday I weighed in at 251 and then today I weighed 253.