

  • I totally know how you're feeling. I'm on the last 10-12 pounds I need to lose and I feel like I've been obsessing over everything I put in my mouth. Try to focus on some healthy goals. I just want to make sure I'm eating at least 1200 calories a day. If you feel like you're really going off the deep edge, try to talk to…
  • Just did that. Wasn't that great either. I am very sedentary and although I am trying to fix that, a person who does not exercise does not need as many calories. If you don't move, you don't need a lot of calories.
  • Because of how long I obsessed over my weight, I considered starving myself to get down. With the help of my mother (who specializes in weight loss and diabetes) we calculated my basal metabolic rate. It's quite low, ringing in at only about 1200. For me to lose weight, I don't think I can eat 1500 or more. I gain on that!…
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