

  • Darnit, I was hoping for a suggestion! I've been searching Audible for some motivational books as well but there are SO many self-help books out there that it's hard to know what's good and what is just a load of money-making crapola. I am a big fan of affirmations, especially if you do a lot of negative self-talk. What…
  • I like to eat foods that take a LONG time to consume - like raw vegetables! I'll pile a ton of lettuce on a plate and then put whatever is around on top of it. By the time I've worked my way through all that lettuce, I'm pretty sick of eating ;) I pile lettuce on my sandwiches, too. The crunch and water content lets me…
  • I feel the same way about alcohol that I do about food. If I am going to use calories on something, I'm going to make damn sure it's something good. So if I'm going to eat chocolate cake, it is going to be the best damn chocolate cake I can find - and maybe I won't eat an entire piece of it ;). And if I am going to drink…
  • There are a lot of things that could impact your energy level. Has it been very cold lately where you are? Are you working out too hard or too often? What are you eating? Are you not eating enough, or do you need to eat smaller meals more frequently? Anything changed in your life that's impacting you emotionally?