Jenn1601209 Member


  • I have found a whole network of lap band vidieo journals on YouTube and am considering doing the same thing. It's one thing to see before and after pics but it is completly amazing to watch these people shrink in their video journals. (as an example search YouTube for user skymoon1982 ..the change is beyond amazing) jenn :)
  • I have heard of people being denied the surgery because of the success they have had while waiting for an answer... My surgery will cost about $16000 USD. My husband and I decided the children we are currenlty unable to conceive are worth this price. I have been watching journals on YouTube of people that have had amazing…
  • Yuck! I don't throw up...ever. I've eaten things I shouldn't have and wanted to make myself sick and it never worked. I won't be eating with anyone other then my husband until I know how to use the band. I can handle portion control as long as I don't feel hungry all the time. (I've been in theropy for 2 years working on…
  • I'm beyond excited :) I'm in Quebec Canada and here you have to pay for the surgery or go on a waiting list that can be a decade long. Since I'm a self pay it's all coming together very fast. I started the pre-op liquid diet today...I hear this is the worst part of the whole process. Good luck with the insurance companies.…