

  • keep at it! I feel the same way as well and I have lost 55+ so far. Don't let yourself discourage yourself. You need to balance the final goal wieght and what you have lost in order not to get too cocky about successes and stressed abouit the length of the road to health: upon which you walking. best wishes and don't "look…
  • Sugar, YIKES! Sugar much better than nutrisweet, sacarine etc... I find that a dose of sugar really throws me off in about an hour I am ravinously hungry. Try the sweet herb, Stevia, instead. I have found it to be nice when i want sweet.
    in Coffee Comment by tacheny January 2011
  • Ever try Apple Vinegar? I not only miss salt and vinegar but also the occasional sip of burban. I fixed both! I have heard from homeopathic practitioner that apple vinegar helps cleanes ones body of fat and helps boost metabalism. So I tried a 2oz shot of apple vinegar morning and night. No cravings for either! I feel…