nakfam Member


  • I log everything... every day. I allow cheat days, but generally no more than 1/week. Doing it this way has helped me stay on track. If I tell myself I can't have something, there's a part of me that just has to have it, so it "cheat days" or even a "cheat snack/meal" allow me to satisfy that particular desire and still…
  • I LOVE this suggestion! Taking a realistic look at what I am eating (or plan to eat) has made all the difference for me! Knowing how much I've already consumed and making a plan for what I'll consume when going out (or just later in the day) keeps me focused.
  • Old Betty Crocker directions --- put the eggs in the water while cold... put on high heat and bring the water to a boil... turn off heat, cover and let sit for 15 solid minutes. They're perfect every time!
  • You definitely don't want to go to the boss until you've attempted to address it. I'd document everything as you work to remedy the situation, so if need be, you have an account of what's going on in case you need to bring it to your boss.
  • I can't speak on any of the HRM's out there, but I've been using the Fitbit for about 7-8 months and love it! It is more than a pedometer in that it registers steps as well as floors. The one that I have also comes with a wrist strap and registers movement while you sleep. It has been very helpful for me to get a better…
  • I try to get in some activity each day, but more focused workouts - 5/week is about my norm.
  • That's great news! Here's to your healthier lifestyle!!!
  • Hmmm... I'll have to try that too! LOL!
  • Awesome Job! I'm just starting this whole journey... Was up to 238 pounds and knew I needed to do something! I'm down 20 pounds, but have a long way to go. Thanks for sharing your story! Definitely motivating!!!
  • I listen to audiobooks on my ipod... makes the time go fast and I don't have to worry about getting dizzy watching a screen.