

  • My husband and I are very interested in it and have followed it in the past. One trip to Mexico got me off track though, and I have been trying to get back into it now, but find that mid afternoon (3:00 ish) that I just want to stuff my face. I guess I need more discipline now. How have you been doing with it?
  • ETA means Estimated Time of Arrival - AKA means also known as.
  • SW: 235 CW: 212 GW: 207 Weigh in Dates: 8/15 - 8/31 - I work weird schedules at work, and am not home often, but want to use the same scale in the same bathroom for accuracy lol. I haven't weighed in since July 24, but I was 212 then. Let's go 8/15!! My biggest challenge is my own self discipline. Food being such a social…
  • I work 21 days, then 7 off. Then i go to 14 on and 7 off. 21 for the rest of the summer though. I can eat pretty well, there are lots of veggies at the lodge to pack a lunch and such. Apples, Pears, Peaches, bananas, oanges, grapefruit. Protein is harder - evrything has sauce or gravy on it.
  • Yeah, Guess i should just suck it up. the 12.5 hour days 21 days straight gets me down sometimes. I feel like a zombie... so let's hope the regular work outs help with some of my zombiesque tendencies. I booked a friend to gym with me at 3:30am... I'll have to get to bed right after dinner.
  • Any differences yet? I still haven't lost a thing since i posted this, and i haven't cheated... not even slightly...
  • I'm 29 - started at 220, but am 216 now, I am getting married in july and the plan is to be down 50 pounds by then... I guess there is still enough time, I would just like to see it gone sooner rather than later.
  • Glad I found this one - for some reason I'm not losing weight like MFP says I should be.. I was almost thinking that maybe that Net calories should be 0... but alas.. it should not, I shall continue what i've been doing then.
  • I'm 29 - have 2 horses, and about 60 pounds to lose... i think all of the "that'll catch up with you when you're older" things people said when i was 16 finally caught up
  • The same sort of thing happened to me. I lost 3, and the next day I weighed myself again, hoping for some miracle and I had gained it back. I do have a bit of a cold though, and had 3 cups of french onion soup, and it is made at a dining hall, because I work in a very secluded area, where we stay at a lodge/camp. I avoided…
  • I am getting married July 20th. I just started getting serious about the weight loss thing. I have bounced back and forth, completely giving up and then going hard for a week, then giving up for 3 lol I have been eating healthy for a while now, and just started turbo fire - i love it!!! I'm hoping to drop 50-60 pounds by…