mzabelny Member


  • I don't know what to tell you, I'm in the same boat, single mom of 3 kids, work full time. It's hard as hell, I can't seem to lose anything. Sorry, I'm no help. lol
  • I was on the way out, but she quickly explained, at my age (46) the body acts differently. (well anybody at any age, each one is different) the sodium and the bloating from the carbonation have an adverse affect. And diet soda can make you crave more food. (kind of like Chinese food makes you hungry an hour later) Also…
  • I just got back from my doctor's office to discuss my weight gain. She told me to cut out soda, that would make a noticeable difference right away. I said I only drink diet, maybe one a day... she said the diet soda is worse than regular. Stop it right away. If I must have, I should have a small amount of regular soda,…