

  • Hello insane couple... I want to say good job and good luck... I am a full time student and have time just about anywhere through the day. I have tried numerous different times and found that I can be the most productive about 11 am. In the afternoon or evening I end up feeling really fatigued about half way through... I…
  • Hey all you Insane people out there... Day 50 on Saturday was encouraging for me. I wanted to post my fit test #4, my previous fit tests were much less. SK - 108 PJ - 58 PK - 80 PJp - 31 GJ - 10 SJ - 16 PuJ - 35 LPO - 53 Day 51 today, max cardio conditioning & insane abs... Just as a note, there are two substitute…
  • Go week 7! I just finished with the 7th... Good job and good luck...
  • Those short breaks just mean you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. Stick with it! I just finished week 7 and have had the same experience in the second month. I think when your body starts to get use to the work out it may just feel like you are slacking... You will see a difference in body and ability...
  • Don't let the word "recovery" fool you. Shaun T uses a different dictionary than every other human being... Lol You will work all those same muscles but without all the cardio. All the moves are slowed down to concentrate on specific muscles. I don't want to scare anyone away from doing this workout to its fullest, you…
  • How's everyone doing? Everyone must be tired since the updates and comments have slowed. Today is my last day of week 7! Day 48... Yeah! Get ready everyone. I noticed there is lots of talk about skipping the recovery week on other blogs and such. A bit of advise... DO NOT SKIP IT! Keep digging!
  • Good job to all of you starting out on the program. I remember when I was at that section and the soreness that was involved. Keep it up! It only gets better... Day 40 is done as of 15 minutes ago and I'm still shaking. Another 976 calories gone... Dig DEEPER!
  • Thank you! I have the same problem some other people have with replacing the calories burned with eating more. It seems like it would reverse the weight loss and I can't bring myself to do it... Lol I might try, but I don't think I could eat anymore than I am now...
  • After that point, the soreness starts to go away and you will start to see results and its all down hill from there... Try again! You will succeed...
  • My results have been good. I am trying to loose weight, but it seems that inches are what I am losing(but, I will take it) I bought insanity about 2 years ago and tried to start it twice, but no luck. I weighed 250 lbs in Jan of this year and with the help from MFP and lots of cycling, I lost my first 30 lbs or so, and…
  • Day 38 down... I felt great after the 45 min workout, but back to sore again... I hate, I mean love this program... Sorry I was thinking out loud. Dig deeper!
  • Change your diet a little bit... If you are eating the same things over and over your metabolism gets use to these foods and actually starts to slow back down... Change it up and you can confuse your body... Keep pushing through and the wall will come down...