

  • Great progress! Keep it moving, you have been very successful. The pics tell one story. How about telling us how much better you feel. Energy, joints, etc. Come on, you have a very inspirational story to tell. So tell it
  • Great results, Robyn. As a participant in that challenge group I can say your leadership and guidance were very instrumental in my personal success with Les Mills combat. It's a GREAT program. I was skeptical about finishing P90X and moving to Combat, but I am here to testify about Combat. It's a great way to workout.…
  • I am saying this with the ut most respect. You have done an awesome job and you should brag! WOW
  • The scale is a meaningless measure of your success. I have been the same weight since mid February and I workout 6 days per week. Since 1/1/2013 I have only missed 3 workouts. Success measures are all around you. True measures. How do you feel going up steps? Better, same or worse than when you started? What type of…
    in Giving Up Comment by JContrevo May 2013
  • I am the most obnoxious person in my gym. Of course I do workout at home and alone. But just by the merit of my smart assed response I think you see that I qualify
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