Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    most likely it's me
  • Omg these two girls at my gym that think it's cool or something to walk around damn near screaming at each other and people they know. They constantly chest bump and talk loudly over people when they can't work out next to each other. It's so obnoxious and annoying. Im all glad they're working out with a friend but the entire gym doesn't need to be constantly aware you are there.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I dont pay attention to other people at the gym - so maybe me?
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    most likely it's me

    You're fine in my book if you bring me a doughnut.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    Hahaha! When I was doing the 30DS, my dog would think it's playtime every time I would get on the floor to do crunches or planks. She would come up and start licking my face. Cute, but annoying..lol!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    Your cat is secretly jealous and wants you to stay fat forever. He even set your phone's alarms 30 minutes forward so you would skip your morning runs.

  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    The person in the parking lot who stole my Yukon Denali.

    Followed closely by the douche canoe that stole my street shoes from under the bench in the change room. Really? My 6 month old running shoes were THAT effing amazing?

    So yeah, don't steal my stuff and I'm pretty much Ok with whatever else you got goin' on.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    This award goes to two equally braindead individuals where I go:

    1. Airhead who wanders the gym aimlessly chewing gum and looking at herself in the mirror, only to occassionally get on a cardio machine to make a phone call

    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    Am I the ONLY one who has this problem?? I can't be. I just can't!!

    The guy that walks into the gym, watches what everyone else is doing and then posts gripes about strangers on the internet, that have nothing to do with his goals or the topic of Fitness and Exercise, and just likes insulting harmless demographics because he enjoys bonding with other judgmental people.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Must be me. All I do is swim, towel off and go to the weight room. Sometimes I run the indoor track. And the entire time I'm just minding my own business. I don't stare at anyone. I get it, sweat, go home. I even wipe down the equipment.

    So friggin' annoying, it's unbelievable.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    The person in the parking lot who stole my Yukon Denali.

    Followed closely by the douche canoe that stole my street shoes from under the bench in the change room. Really? My 6 month old running shoes were THAT effing amazing?

    So yeah, don't steal my stuff and I'm pretty much Ok with whatever else you got goin' on.

    Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you. A Denali?? *kitten*. I mean if it was a Pinto, then who cares!

    But seriously...did they ever find the SOB??
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    The person in the parking lot who stole my Yukon Denali.

    Followed closely by the douche canoe that stole my street shoes from under the bench in the change room. Really? My 6 month old running shoes were THAT effing amazing?

    So yeah, don't steal my stuff and I'm pretty much Ok with whatever else you got goin' on.

    Yeah, remind me to never to go your gym...geeze!
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Guy who puts his girlfriend on speaker phone on MAX volume then puts it down on the mat next to him so they can continue their argument while he does situps and yells back into the phone. My "gym" is in my apartment building and comes with the rent so there aren't attendants or anything, just a room with basic weights and weight machines and some cardio machines. I assume this is the only reason he attempts to get away with this.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    My boyfriend made me record his deadlifts once to check his form. If I didn’t know us, I’d think we were a REAL couple of *kitten*.
  • I am the most obnoxious person in my gym. Of course I do workout at home and alone. But just by the merit of my smart assed response I think you see that I qualify
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    YES! i cant stand it when people put perfume on before hitting the gym . WHY?
  • I have an older guy at my gym.. He is in good shape, but he often finds an open area in the gym and does Karate with an invisible friend... and makes sure he gets everyones attention with loud "Yas and Has" and other crazy noises when he kicks or punchs.... and then he runs around the indoor track and "pumps" him self up loudly, raising his arms like he just won something....

    My brother related a similar story from his gym. It was a smaller gym on two levels; the bottom floor had weights and cardio machines, and the top floor was open space for stretching, cardio, etc- as well as having a punching bag. One of the regs would be lifting weights, then suddenly drop the weights to run a few laps around the floor, dodging machines and other gym goers. He'd then bound up the stairs and take on the punching bag with cries of "Come at me!" and "Bring it!" before heading back down to his weights.

    That is absolutely hilarious, I think i would go there to jump on a treadmill and watch the shenanigans!
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I go to the gym on my college campus. It is a women's college, but occasionally another college will use our basketball court or swimming pool for a men's competition. On those days there are ALWAYS girls looking all cute with makeup and their hair down and cute clothes that have to be uncomfortable for working out. They don't really work hard. They workout for a little bit then walk through the lounge area to stare at boys. It bugs me when they take up machines or the track to lazily move and gawk. I'm pretty sure this is the flaw in the women's campus. I know it shouldn't matter to me what other people do at the gym, but it does.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    YES! i cant stand it when people put perfume on before hitting the gym . WHY?

    That is so annoying.