Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    There is this guy who GRUNTS LOUDLY with every rotation on the elliptical. UNH... UNH... UNH.... a few every second. Audible I guess to people within a 20 foot range. Typical session for him is 30 minutes and he is really "humping" it. pun intended. lol.

    The first time he did it I had to start laughing. He does it every time. So odd.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    When someone sits on a machine and reads.
  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    These are funny! There's this one older guy that would come to the aerobics classes. He finds a spot and takes 2 or 3 extra steps with each move which means he's he gets in other people's zones (and way). I saw this one guy move clear across the room because of him. lol!
  • Haiir0
    Haiir0 Posts: 21 Member
    The person who leaves all of their crap on a machine to "claim" it during the busiest time of the evening. Purse was hanging off of it, water bottle there, and so on. The person was nowhere in sight.

    And the girl who smelled like she'd bathed in hair spary before coming to exercise. I got a few good mouthfuls of that and almost choked to death on the elliptical.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    There is no shortage of parking at my gym, but when it’s crowded you have to *gasp* walk a little ways. But oooohhh, no…some people just create their OWN spots closer to the entrance, making it damn near impossible for those in legitimate spots to back out or get around. I’m at the point where I’m going to start leaving notes on cars. I’ll have to check to see if there are cameras in the parking lot first HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    1. The guy who is constantly looking at himself in the mirror while moving from machine to machine to flex his muscles.

    2. The girl who needs to walk into "my space" as I am deadlifting heavy. Especially after I told her not to do that just in case I go to failure and can't hold the bar anymore as I might drop this on her foot.

    3. People who complain it is "too hard" or "too painful" to workout/ train/ lift. Really!?!? I'm in my forties, female w/ injuries and I manage to lift heavy. Suck it up.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    The person who leaves all of their crap on a machine to "claim" it during the busiest time of the evening. Purse was hanging off of it, water bottle there, and so on. The person was nowhere in sight.

    And the girl who smelled like she'd bathed in hair spary before coming to exercise. I got a few good mouthfuls of that and almost choked to death on the elliptical.

    WHO BRINGS A PURSE!!?!?!?!!
  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    That's hilarious! My dog thinks I want to play so comes and tries to get in my face. I end up getting an extra workout doing pushup/situps and throwing a toy to get him out of my way!
  • Chrissy292018
    Chrissy292018 Posts: 57 Member
    The older naked lady who is always bent over in the bathroom with the door wide open about 6:30am showing off her bottom to the world. Yeah, I learned to skip the bathroom area after day 2.

    And the fitness instructor who likes to discuss her very personal life! How inappropriate!
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    Definitely the older gentleman that critiques what the women are doing. I made the mistake of being pleasant pre:Christmas. Big mistake. He sits, he leers, he wants an ongoing dialog. One of the other retirees has taken him to task on several occasions. (ie. Leave Bailey alone and let her do her workout....he doesn't take a hint and I hate being rude.)

    Most entertaining is a dude I refer to as Travolta. Keeps to himself off in a corner, hood pulled up, barbell propped up like a walking stick and dancing in front of the mirror :-) He's gotta be mid-40's has great moves but without knowing what music he's listening to it looks pretty comical :-)))
  • PaulFromEssex
    Well I work out at home, so it is just me, myself and I :smile:

    Actually, I think myself is the most obnoxious!
    No, it is definitely me ...
    I beg to differ, it is I who is the worst ...

    Ok, we are all as bad as each other!:bigsmile:

    Note to self ... must get out more ....
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    i hate these damn threads. every time someone wants to start lifting they post how they are scared to go because they don't want to be judged. and i come in, along with tons of my "mean" friends, and we encourage them to just go work out and that no one is judging them, no one is thinking about them, no one is saying mean things behind their back.

    and right as they start to believe it, they will come in an read bull**** threads like this one and wonder if someone is going to be making a post and laughing about them. thanks for making a liar out of me.
    This is just plain awesome. And so true. I find the gym intimidating, and didn't join one for the longest time because I felt like people were looking at me the last time I had a membership. Eventually, I decided that I cared more about getting strong than I cared whether or not people were looking at me, but still - how awful to have it confirmed that people are always judging.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Diodelcibo he has no respect at the gym...
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    You know, the more into my workouts I get the less I notice/give a s*it what anyopne else there is doing. As long as they don't come near me when I'm lifting something heavy I honestly do not care how 'obnoxious' they are being.
    mainly this
    however, there is a guy at my gym who constantly gives people advice when they don't ask for it,
    talks at the top of his lungs about very basic work out directives ("YAH YOU KNOW I GOTTA DO MY BACK TODAY CAUSE I DID MY ARMS YESTERDAY AND YOU DONT WANNA DO YOUR ARMS TWO DAYS IN A ROW") to basically anyone who will listen
    and then starts fights with people and has yelling matches with them while he tells them to work out harder
    he is hilarious.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:

    My max on the bench press is 65. It takes everything in my body to get it to happen. I make noise. Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace. Noted.

    Every time I see a thread like this, I think Great, way to prove to everyone that is scared people might be watching them - that there ARE a whole BUNCH of people watching AND judging them, that cant wait to go talk about it on the internet.

    So encouraging.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    Wait, some of you are actually upset about people being naked in the locker room? Seriously?
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Wait, some of you are actually upset about people being naked in the locker room? Seriously?

    "There's good naked...and there's bad naked" - Seinfeld
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Wait, some of you are actually upset about people being naked in the locker room? Seriously?

    "There's good naked...and there's bad naked" - Seinfeld

    LOL. Yep. And bad naked should cover up their wrinkly behind on the way to the shower.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Wait, some of you are actually upset about people being naked in the locker room? Seriously?

    "There's good naked...and there's bad naked" - Seinfeld

    LOL. Yep. And bad naked should cover up their wrinkly behind on the way to the shower.

    If you're on your way to the shower, so be it. But need you have a phone conversation with your pants off??