Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??

This award goes to two equally braindead individuals where I go:

1. Airhead who wanders the gym aimlessly chewing gum and looking at herself in the mirror, only to occassionally get on a cardio machine to make a phone call

2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

Am I the ONLY one who has this problem?? I can't be. I just can't!!


  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    I have an older guy at my gym.. He is in good shape, but he often finds an open area in the gym and does Karate with an invisible friend... and makes sure he gets everyones attention with loud "Yas and Has" and other crazy noises when he kicks or punchs.... and then he runs around the indoor track and "pumps" him self up loudly, raising his arms like he just won something....
  • KCollynsSargent
    KCollynsSargent Posts: 6 Member
    There is a gentleman that always flips the TV to TCM channel. Who wants to watch Bonanza? Other than that I really don't have any issues. Everyone there is making a concious choice to lead a healthier life.

    My gym also has a pool....this is where I do get a little irratated. I love swimming laps, but when there are kids in the pool they tend to not know what the definition of personal space is even though I put up the lane divider. I know kids will be kids, but the parents do not say anything when their kids are clearly being rude & intrusive on my work out.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I quit PF last year, but:
    1. The old wrinkly guy who walked around the dressing room butt-naked.
    2. The four teenage girls who all stood around a treadmill while one of them ran.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    You don't know, maybe he's going senile (sp??) and there IS someone there!

    It's like battle of the *kitten* at my gym! Hahaha!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    anyone wearing perfume or cologne. ARRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!

    also the person who left the gross diet drink powder in the ipod holder of the treadmill i used the other night. Was that envelope of chemical garbage i kept breathing in supposed to be some kind of gift? Throw your trash away!
  • keshiabug1
    A guy I used to date who thinks that now since he is buff... I am below him. He won't even say hi. blah.
    (Nothing bad happened between us. We weren't even serious.)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    also the dude on the stair stepper that kept staring at me. cut that out, dude, that is not cool
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i hate these damn threads. every time someone wants to start lifting they post how they are scared to go because they don't want to be judged. and i come in, along with tons of my "mean" friends, and we encourage them to just go work out and that no one is judging them, no one is thinking about them, no one is saying mean things behind their back.

    and right as they start to believe it, they will come in an read bull**** threads like this one and wonder if someone is going to be making a post and laughing about them. thanks for making a liar out of me.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    There is a gentleman that always flips the TV to TCM channel. Who wants to watch Bonanza? Other than that I really don't have any issues. Everyone there is making a concious choice to lead a healthier life.

    My gym also has a pool....this is where I do get a little irratated. I love swimming laps, but when there are kids in the pool they tend to not know what the definition of personal space is even though I put up the lane divider. I know kids will be kids, but the parents do not say anything when their kids are clearly being rude & intrusive on my work out.

    Girrrrrrllll, please. Kids are my point of contention EVERYWHERE I go. I'm going on a cruise that leaves Sunday and was elated to find there's an "adult only" pool and solarium. I don't know what the hell a solarium is, but I'll take it.
  • mamadolce6499
    mamadolce6499 Posts: 20 Member
    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    OMG THIS GUY!!! The one at my gym grunts loudly with every raise of his 20lb dumbbell then precedes to kiss his arms after each rep. I swear he spends more time smiling at himself and kissing his arms then actually working out. Sorry to break it to you kiddo but we're staring because you look like an idiot not a hottie.

    Side Note: Grunting while you work out is fine when your actually doing the work. Yes its awkward but so is my heavy breathing when I run lol.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    i hate these damn threads. every time someone wants to start lifting they post how they are scared to go because they don't want to be judged. and i come in, along with tons of my "mean" friends, and we encourage them to just go work out and that no one is judging them, no one is thinking about them, no one is saying mean things behind their back.

    and right as they start to believe it, they will come in an read bull**** threads like this one and wonder if someone is going to be making a post and laughing about them. thanks for making a liar out of me.

    Dav, names have been omitted to protect the innocent. You have to admit, there are people in the gym, at the supermarket, at work who just get on your last damn nerve. I'm absolutely not mocking effort, rather, lack thereof if you read the OP. And the other guy, well, he needs a detox program.

    I used to be one of those "afraid to go to the gym people" as well and agree, no one should ever be mocked for effort. But WIPE DOWN YOUR DAMN MACHINE and GET OFF THE PHONE!!

    In fact, I always mentally and sometimes actually smile at those who I can tell are uncomfortable. Somewhere, I'm sure there's a thread about that "dumba$$ who's always smiling at me and rolling her eyes at people". C'est la vie!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    I have 2 as well!

    1. the girl with the starbucks that walks around aimlessly in her sports bra

    2. The juicehead who follows her and stares at himself in the mirror all night while doing bicep curls
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Me, because I'm the only one at my gym!
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    The girls who go into the locker room and primp and do their makeup BEFORE they go work out! Honey, if you're doing it right, you're about to look like crap anyway!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    OMG THIS GUY!!! The one at my gym grunts loudly with every raise of his 20lb dumbbell then precedes to kiss his arms after each rep. I swear he spends more time smiling at himself and kissing his arms then actually working out. Sorry to break it to you kiddo but we're staring because you look like an idiot not a hottie.

    Side Note: Grunting while you work out is fine when your actually doing the work. Yes its awkward but so is my heavy breathing when I run lol.

    I find it hard to believe that a real juicer is only using 20lb dumbbells.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    OMG THIS GUY!!! The one at my gym grunts loudly with every raise of his 20lb dumbbell then precedes to kiss his arms after each rep. I swear he spends more time smiling at himself and kissing his arms then actually working out. Sorry to break it to you kiddo but we're staring because you look like an idiot not a hottie.

    Side Note: Grunting while you work out is fine when your actually doing the work. Yes its awkward but so is my heavy breathing when I run lol.

    I find it hard to believe that a real juicer is only using 20lb dumbbells.

    LMFAO - I didn't even realize that. 20lbs??
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I have an older guy at my gym.. He is in good shape, but he often finds an open area in the gym and does Karate with an invisible friend... and makes sure he gets everyones attention with loud "Yas and Has" and other crazy noises when he kicks or punchs.... and then he runs around the indoor track and "pumps" him self up loudly, raising his arms like he just won something....

    My brother related a similar story from his gym. It was a smaller gym on two levels; the bottom floor had weights and cardio machines, and the top floor was open space for stretching, cardio, etc- as well as having a punching bag. One of the regs would be lifting weights, then suddenly drop the weights to run a few laps around the floor, dodging machines and other gym goers. He'd then bound up the stairs and take on the punching bag with cries of "Come at me!" and "Bring it!" before heading back down to his weights.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    It should be legal to shoot anyone curling in the squat rack/power rack. I don't care the reasoning, excuse, or circumstances. All it does is monopolize a (comparatively) specific piece of equipment for an exercise that can be done anywhwere in the building, including in the pool and on a treadmill (and I've seen people do both of these).
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Dav, names have been omitted to protect the innocent. You have to admit, there are people in the gym, at the supermarket, at work who just get on your last damn nerve. I'm absolutely not mocking effort, rather, lack thereof if you read the OP. And the other guy, well, he needs a detox program.

    I used to be one of those "afraid to go to the gym people" as well and agree, no one should ever be mocked for effort. But WIPE DOWN YOUR DAMN MACHINE and GET OFF THE PHONE!!

    In fact, I always mentally and sometimes actually smile at those who I can tell are uncomfortable. Somewhere, I'm sure there's a thread about that "dumba$$ who's always smiling at me and rolling her eyes at people". C'est la vie!

    Props to you! A friend and I were doing a circuit (kind of only 2 of us, so only 2 machines at a time) and a couple asked us if we were done, we advised that we were just finishing our second set and wouldn't be long, we proceeded to finish and they jumped right on. Didn't even give me 15 seconds to wipe it down which I had intended on doing and then the lady has the audacity to say "Wow, they won't even wipe it off"

    I couldn't believe it, I lost it on her. I said in a strong voice "if you stand here and watch me finish my sets, waiting for my machine all whilst staring at me I most certainly will not want to, but I definitely will wipe it down. However if you jump right on before I have barely gotten my feet on the ground there's no chance in hell I will and if you're going to mutter something rude under your breath it better not be about me, you can talk to me directly. Next time just politely wait, or come back to the machine later"

    Possibly a few choice words in there but those I shouldn't have said lol
  • faireplay
    Not obnoxious per se but the older ladies in the locker room....do you have to be naked the ENTIRE time pre and post shower? Doing their hair, make up, having conversations etc. All buck naked. I'm not a prude, but I am older and also fat and I cover that crap up so no one has to look at it.