trainerleslie Member


  • The book is basic strength training information. It can be helpful for basic knowledge of muscles and form. The exercises listed are mostly antiquated and isolated movements, since fitness is truly achieved by a lot of variety--gymnastics, reactive/balance, power, flexibility training, etc will really be key to attaining…
  • Try my Green Sunset... 6 fresh cherries, pitted 7 pcs of frozen mango chunks, cut in half 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (or blackberries) 4-5 baby carrots (I cut lengthwise in half) 1 cup spinach 4-5 oz of apple juice, just enough to liquify ingredients Blend and drink, makes 12 oz...this is pure deliciousness in a glass! *I…
  • Remember that a pound equals 3,500 calories. I look at my calories on a weekly basis, not just a daily basis, because it typically takes more than 1 day to lose/gain a pound. Plus, if I strength train (i.e. lift weights), then I know my metabolism is going to be boosted for the next couple of days and that helps me out…