White_n_Nerdy Member


  • It's probably NOT cancer. It could be changes in the colors of the food you're eating (lots of kale / spinach will turn your poop green!) or changes in your iron intake (excess iron leaves the body as a salt, which is green). I would give it another week. If you're not eating a lot of green foods and it doesn't go back to…
  • I ate 1200 calories for a very, very long time a couple years ago. My weight fell to 125 (which was my goal at the time) and I thought that I looked pretty good. However, I got really, really sick. I was tired, I had constant headaches, I lost motivation. 1200 will get you where you want to go pretty quickly, but it's not…
  • There's a whole slew of Wisconsin cities that no one can pronounce. Look up the YouTube video of Texans pronouncing Wisconsin cities and you'll see what I mean. There are two in Wisconsin that drive me up a wall. Inability to pronounce the "th" in that / there / those / etc. "Dat der truck." Those aren't words! The other…
  • Body + Bikini = Bikini Body. You look great, just be confident in the way you look and everyone else will be, too =)
  • She's wearing more clothes than several of the people I saw around campus today!
  • Jeeze, people can be so rude! We can't all be born with amazingly fast metabolisms! Most people don't make comments about my weight to my face, because people who know me know that I don't take that from people. Still, there were two times that really got to me. The first was at a get-together with a few people I knew from…
  • It really depends on your preferences. My asthma gets pretty bad with exercise, and the treadmill kills me so I avoid it at all costs. I find that the elliptical, cross trainer, and bike are all relatively mild on my asthma. I've recently started swimming, which works fine if I take pauses between laps to catch my breath.…
  • Don't worry about her. You're doing this for you, and you alone. Sometimes we don't lose weight or look smaller, but it's how we feel at the end of the day. My family hasn't always been the most supportive either. My sister is taller than me and about 20lbs lighter. My family eats fast food at every opportunity. Sometimes…
  • Inside. I'm a severe asthmatic, and the a lot of things in the air outside interfere with my breathing abilities. I can make it for 45 minutes at 5.2 on the treadmill inside, but I last maybe a max of 5 minutes at the same pace outside. It doesn't help that I live in Madison, WI for the school year (which is pretty highly…
  • I'm 20, looking to lose 15 lbs. Trying to get back on the bandwagon after making the transition home and into my jobs for the summer. Would love to have more motivating friends to keep me on track!
  • I have really bad asthma, so running on the treadmill was always something I avoided. I was worried that I would start wheezing and everyone would stare at me. But one day I got on the treadmill. I didn't go very fast, and I eased into it. Just take it slow, and don't worry about what other people think of you. Do what you…
  • Making mistakes. Being a teenager is all about messing up, but you learn so much about yourself through the process. Sometimes they hurt, sometimes they turn out to be the best things in your life. Either way, they help you grow as a person.
  • I've turned to water. I realized that when I was "hungry", I wasn't so much craving food as I was flavor. Now, I have a fully stocked selection of flavored water packets and things like lemon/lime juice. Whenever I feel hungry, I grab my water bottle and see if that hits the spot first. If it doesn't, I grab a packet of…
  • DAY TWO Yesterday I didn't get any "formal" exercise in, but I had a spirometry test (which is more work than it sounds like!), got a little extra walking going to the hospital and back, plus did some of the suggestions for when I was at work (tensing my abs, stretching, walking more).
  • See, I'm not a fish fan at all, so no meat makes it hard! Exercise today: 120 minutes of running around with heavy dishes, scrubbing them, lugging them up and down stairs.
  • I'm contemplating fasting! It was never required of my parish, but I'm surrounded by meat today...
  • This whole thread seems a tad hypocritical. If a 4 year old boy was brought into the women's locker room, no one would be throwing a fit like they are now.
  • I'm 20, sophomore in college with about 20 to lose. I've been tinkering with some healthy, microwave friendly recipes, so feel free to add me if you want!