

  • I say everything in moderation. You should be okay so long as you are not drinking like a 6 pack of soda a day. I usually drink 2 can of soda a day, sometimes more. I'm not morbidly obese. I always count the sodas I drink here on the site. Soda is only bad for you because all of the refined sugar (carbs) can make you…
    in Soda Comment by Tawnee19 January 2011
  • Hey everyone. :) At 5'2'' I definitely feel like a shorty! I'm currently at 135 lbs, but my goal is to get back to about 115 lbs. Luckily I don't tend to carry my weight in my stomach but rather in my hips, thighs and butt. Haha. I definitely have the pear shape going on. I just want to be able to wear a size 5 or 7 jeans…
  • I don't believe in either one. I used to believe in soul mates though, but I don't anymore. I think there are plenty of different people out there that you might be compatible with, but I don't believe that there is just one person out there that is totally perfect for you. I guess maybe I believe in multiple soul mates…
  • Thanks for the kind welcomes! :) I'm excited to start tracking my progress.
    in Hi! Comment by Tawnee19 January 2011
  • Hello everyone. :) I'm 5'2'' and weigh 135 lbs. I want to lose about 15-20 pounds. I'm already happy with how my body looks. I just want to get more in shape and become more healthy. Also, I'm hovering around the overweight line so that's why I want to go back to weighing around 115 lbs.
  • You're only as old as you feel! I prefer to think of age in terms of how young you still are. Age is just a number after all. It's all about your outlook. :)
  • Hey Allyson! :) Guess who? Haha. I joined like you told me to. This site is pretty cool. I think I'll actually stick to using it. :D