

  • that is too funny that you should mention that- just the other night- husband was cooking up some chicken and didn't see the "maxi pad" under it and I was getting a piece of it and had to pull it off- we were talking about that same he actually cooked it....
  • there is a warning on the completion that says- you are eating too few calories- I know this b/c some days- I did eat too few and had to go eat a piece of cheese or something just to get at the 1200 mark.....I have a family member w/ an E.D. so I see where your concern is..
  • welcome are on your way to healthier living :)
  • you are pretty- no matter what- don't let anyone ever tell you differently....Now- let the motivation begin :)
  • glad to hear you threw them out...I started very slowly- like most of the posts here- I gave up soda and it was actually easy to do- I accidentally grabbed a sip from my daughters cup the other day and it was gross- so that was conquered- then I gave up chips..then french fries- just substituted these things for healthier…
  • And your sister is really awesome for doing such a thing- Welcome :)
  • You will do it one day at a time....just like the rest of us...the great thing is that you have support here :)
  • the only problem I have with Jillian Michaels- and I love her workouts- is the repetition- I want to do one move and then go on to the next move...I don't want to repeat the moves again 3 minutes later- I find myself getting bored in that respect...that's my only criticism of her though....
  • I know that when a woman breast feeds she tends to burn about 500 calories a day or so- just from that act alone- so- healthy eating is definately great but I think that you have to- like exercise- eat those calories back or else your little one is the one who pays the price- That's what I remember from my first go around…
  • Those recipes sound awesome- can't wait to try them as well w/ my family-
  • If I am understanding this correctly- you are eating about 1300 a day and that includes your exercise calories????? P90X is hardcore and I have a dear friend of mine who is very much all about it- every day....she states that you have to eat more than 1300 calories a day on your exercise days... try that...and don't give…
  • OMG- a co-worker was passing out Dove chocolate today- one of my weaknesses- and I turned it down- knowing I would have to put it on my calories and work it off later- I opted for a chocolate fiber bar instead
  • I found that happening to me too.....I was doing the reduced calories and exercise thing before I joined this site- for about 6 months prior- exercising only- eating what I wanted- then I started cutting back the calories- didn't lose to much at first- but then after about 2 weeks of reduced calories and daily exercise-…
    in noob Comment by xinzya January 2011