

  • WOW! What an amazing transformation Christi. Kudos on your weight loss, you look absolutely fabulous.
  • I have been on MFP for a little while. My daughter, who taught a fitness & nutrition class while attending grad school, finally encouraged her dad & I to change our eating habits. We went along with her 6 small meal plan, cut diet soda out completely (and since have not felt bloated anymore) and are drinking more water.…
  • Hi Brian, I am 5'5, my daily calorie intake is 1410 though I am generally under my intake. I "try" to stick with 6 small meals a day to keep my metabolism going, but find it difficult at times to eat that many times during the day. I try to take in as much water as I can without feeling too bloated. Stopped drinking diet…
  • I'm 5'5 and my ideal weight to be comfortable is 135. I have about 57 lbs to lose to get there. I am staying motivated and sticking to my portion controlled regimen. Been battling stage iv metastatic breast cancer since 2008, but it will not consume me as I have a great ZEST for life. I just got back into the swing of…
  • Hello there! I totally understand what you mean. It is difficult to get motivated when your body aches and is uncooperative. But the thing is to keep on plugging along. Even walking at a slower pace, you are still moving, and the longer the walk the more refreshing you wll feel afterwards. And you will feel a sense of…