

  • Hi, there are many ways for losing weight. Everyone is different and need a program that fits their needs. One thing that is working pretty well for me is drinking hot green tea after dinner. It helps dissolve the fats that we eat. However it doesn't help you lose weight. It is helping me keep my present weight which is 5…
  • Hi, everyone want's to be slim and healthy. Yes, I'm also on the heavier side too and trying to lose a few pounds here and there. Everyone is different and need a diet program that's fit for them. I'm following a program that has helped me lose a little but I'm not going to say it'll work for you too. You should also…
  • I've never heard of losing weight by drinking water. All it does is fill up your stomach and curb hunger. It has no calories so you don't gain weight except for the time that it stays in your body. Water is good for you, period, that's it. If you want to lose weight you'll have to take a different approach. Heavy exercise…
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