

  • I like that! I'm going to steal it - thanks :)
  • I know, you're right. I would just like to get to my ideal (ish) weight and then fluctuate - not go up when i reeeeally want to go down. I think i need to take the measuring advice and obsess less about the scales
  • Thank you for your replies - i guess giving the title i did already know this! It's good to have someone else say it when youre a bit disheartened - i'll just suck it up, log the +lbs tomorrow and hope to be back to normal next friday :)
  • Do you log your metafit workouts? I've been logging mine as circuit training general as the instructor does a "core workout for about 10 minutes after. I've synced my fitness pal with map my run and there's an option on there for insanity - is it the same sort of thing? (I know I should invest in a heart rate monitor if i…
    in metafit Comment by shorna_90 March 2014
  • I snack when I'm bored. Days when I get home from work and go straight to the gym are fine. Days when I have an hour or so wait before my gym starts, all I can think about is food! Make sure you have things to do to keep busy - prepare your evening meal or meals for the following day, wash the car, go for a walk, anything…
  • It's better to have three healthy days and two days off than 5 unhealthy days