One bad day won't make you fat.....

During the week I believe i eat really well: fish, salads, soups, fruit, homemade meals. At weekends i still log and am usually still good but do have some treats/ go out with friends etc. but try and stay close to my allowance.
I go to the gym every day except thursdays (and will occasionally miss saturday or sunday if I've got something else on).
Lately I've been doing well and seeing good progress.

I weigh in every Friday and was very pleased with -3lbs last friday.
Then on Sunday i went out with family for food and drinks - I logged close ish to what i ate but its hard when eating out, then came home and had a bit of an alcohol fuelled binge but still logged.
I forgot about It on Monday and went back to eating normal - today i had a cheat weigh (sad i know) and I've put on 2 pounds!

I know it's only two pound but because im getting close to my goal its a bit of a kick in the teeth to have a set back after 1 bad day - am i doing something wrong or is this just one of those things and ill have to be extra good this weekend to compensate?


  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    You answered your own question in the title. You haven't gained fat after one day. You've retained water. You don't have to change anything or be 'extra good' this weekend, just do as you usually would. The water you've retained should go away in a day or so, so don't stress.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    For some people, one bad day can become many bad days and eventually break the good habits you took so long to establish (i.e. "I ****ed up already, might as well go all in"). It doesn't look like you are letting that happen to you. Your dramatic increased weight is most likely water retention from the alcohol and high-sodium restaurant food.
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Its waste (if you know what I mean) and water retention. This is most likely due to extra sodium. Get your water in! Also, you could be nearing PMS/period time. Its no biggie! Just keep pluggin' along. Measure inches in addition to weight. I usually only log my weight every 2 weeks. I check often, but logging every day is counter-productive unless you are trying to get a handle on how your weight fluctuates during a single day---which it does. All in all, weight shouldn't be your sole measurement for progress. Good luck and keep your chin up!
  • Tara_1983
    Tara_1983 Posts: 4
    No... one bad day isn't going to make you fat... but it depends on your definition of bad to be honest. Some people's idea of a cheat day is gorging on pizza and cake... my idea of a day off is eating a normal 2000 calories. The former will definitely cause hindrance to weight loss, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're doing! I'm guessing it's just water retention from drinking.
  • shorna_90
    shorna_90 Posts: 7
    Thank you for your replies - i guess giving the title i did already know this!

    It's good to have someone else say it when youre a bit disheartened - i'll just suck it up, log the +lbs tomorrow and hope to be back to normal next friday :)
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    your not trying to saty one exact weight your whole life are you. Body weight fluctuates. Your still in a very close range so just keep going. Sounds like your doing great.
  • shorna_90
    shorna_90 Posts: 7
    I know, you're right. I would just like to get to my ideal (ish) weight and then fluctuate - not go up when i reeeeally want to go down.
    I think i need to take the measuring advice and obsess less about the scales
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    One day CAN make you fat if you go nuts.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I can swing 5lbs a day, depending on what i ate, when I processed last, sodium intake.

    Not difficult to get on the scale in the am notice i put on 3 pounds since the night before, then lose it and then some that night.

    The scale is not the be all end all. I ignore it for the most part now. I weigh myself every 2-3 weeks.
    Measurements will give you a better sense of losses.

    Just keep doing what you are doing to lose the weight, and move on.
    This is a lifestyle change not just a diet.

    P.S. you are right one bad day won't make you fat...... and your one bad day may not have been as bad as you think.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    One day CAN make you fat if you go nuts.

  • shorna_90
    shorna_90 Posts: 7
    P.S. you are right one bad day won't make you fat...... and your one bad day may not have been as bad as you think.

    I like that! I'm going to steal it - thanks :)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I was up 3 lbs. on Monday morning due to a fabulous Mother's Day/Birthday weekend. And today, those 3 lbs. plus another 1/2 lb. are gone. All I do after a high calorie day (or days) is get right back on program. Works every time.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    One day CAN make you fat if you go nuts.


    Well, that's true. If you eat 3500 calories over your TDEE - you'll gain one pound. Sorry you don't like it.

    In practice though, by the time you lose the water weight, you might not notice a difference at all.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    One day CAN make you fat if you go nuts.

    If by nuts you mean eating between 2,843 to 3,752 calories surplus, then yes, you'll gain a pound in a day. :huh:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    One day CAN make you fat if you go nuts.


    Well, that's true. If you eat 3500 calories over your TDEE - you'll gain one pound. Sorry you don't like it.

    In practice though, by the time you lose the water weight, you might not notice a difference at all.

    And one pound makes a person fat?

  • LilMamaBear125
    LilMamaBear125 Posts: 21 Member
    I just got back last weekend from a 6 day vacation in New Orleans where I treated myself to not having to "diet" and miss out on some great foods to try there. Granted, I worked out every morning as usual and I didn't eat until I got sick, or drink excessively, but in a sense (and compared to how good I've been with my new way of eating) - I did go nuts. I figured this was the only time I'll be there and I refuse to limit or miss out if I don't want to! Mature, I know haha...

    Moral of the story: when I got back I weighed myself out of curiosity and found that I gained 7lbs! Water weight of course, so I didn't panic. I then weighed in this morning and I'm down 9lbs :bigsmile:

    So, NO. One bad day will not make you fat. Just get back on track without going into panic mode and enjoy your once in a while cheat meal!