KTyuen Member


  • Welcome to the group! I'm really hoping this thread will help keep me on track. I am on Day 11. On Tue-Thur I don't do my workouts until the afternoon, so haven't done it for today yet. I have noticed that since I did KickStart and now only do one workout a day - I am pushing myself a lot harder, because I don't feel I…
  • Today is day seven for me, I've followed the kickstart meal and workout routine. I lost 5 lbs. I made the blueberry banana muffins this morning, and am anxious to try them tomorrow..I did sub almonds for walnuts so they will be slightly different. I also made the choc dipped bananas and looking forward to trying thiose as…
    in Food plan Comment by KTyuen January 2013
  • it doesn't help that when you are doing the Cardio One DVD, Omar is chewing gum. It frustrates me because I'm breathing really heavy (I have asthma) and Omar looks like he is still waiting for the darn workout to start. My husband laughs at me because I get really mad when they show the close up of him in the one scene and…
  • We are traveling this weekend for a family chinese new year's celebration. So I'm not resting tomorrow I am going to just do a bonus day of workout 1 and workout 2 and then resting saturday, so I will be starting week 2 on Sunday as well. I'm happy to NOT have to do two workouts a day everyday, but will still try to do the…
  • Hi Ladies, Just my opinion - but it's not too terribly difficult to get two workouts in (it's only six days) but it definitely takes some pre-planning. I work three days a week and am home with our 4 year old and a ten month old on the other days. I have gotten up early every day this week to work out in the a.m. and…
  • Cardio One - Uggh I hate the running man, it kills me every time. But I am on day 6, which is Cardio One twice. T he first time I did Cardio One - on Day 1 (I'm doing it daily because I'm doing kickstart), I had to stop each time we did the running man, at least three times, during the 60 seconds. I am proud to say that I…
  • I am new to the boards so I don't know how to add people as friends - what does that do? I started the program on Saturday. So far, I have done both workouts and eaten the kickstart food for 4 days. I have found that during the stretches after cardio 1, and after workout 2, I get light-headed if I put my head down as far…
  • That is the correct routine for weeks 1&2: You alternate, workout 1, workout 2, cardio 1, workout 1, workout 2, cardio..... If you do the Kickstart week - then you add cardio 1 to every day. so somedays you will do cardio 1 2x a day
  • I started on Saturday, Jan 19 and I am doing the Kickstart workout plan and diet. Today I am more hungry than I was the first three days - perhaps because cardio was twice yesterday? I am literally clock watching for my 2:30 snack.