moletos54 Member


  • Back to the basics! I now looking closely at the macros and trying to bring my A1C down. T1D ;)
  • I just wanted to mentioned this it might help you. If you are doing weights and stuff like that. It will increase your muscle mass, which in turn weights more. I learn that you have to stay away from the scale and go by the way your clothes fit. otherwise you will get discourage by all of it. This is from my fitness…
  • Yo hablo español! Y me gustaria añadir amigos de habla hispana! Para tener un poco mas de apoyo en esto de bajar de peso. Yo hago ejercicios tres veces al a semana una hora de bootcamp y una de pilates. He notado que las pulgadas estan reduciendo, pero el peso no,creo que talvez tenga q ver co la diabetes.I speak spanish!…