Bee_B Member


  • Hi everyone! I'm 5'4" and 147 lbs. My goal weight is 125-130ish. When I started on MFP in 2011, my starting weight was around 154 lbs (my highest ever). I was able to lose 30 lbs (yay!) in about a year with regular tracking and exercise but have slowly gained almost all of it back. I'm determined to lose it again and keep…
  • Hi everyone! I'm planning on starting the program on Friday. I finish up P90X3 tomorrow and I'm excited to start something new :)
  • For breakfast I sometimes make these Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes: They are super quick, easy and delicious :) Another good one is Pumpkin Flax Quickbread. I usually make 12 muffins with the recipe and freeze them. That way I have a healthy snack to grab when I am…
  • I finished W5D1 last night. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I actually found it to be easier than week 4. W5D2 tomorrow evening!
    in July 23 - 29 Comment by Bee_B July 2012
  • Finished W4D4 (I repeated another day because my boyfriend missed his D3). I still find that last 5 min stretch difficult but I am going to try to move on to week 5 on Saturday. If it's too tough I'll just go back and do a couple more days of week 4. Keep up the awesome work everyone!! :happy:
    in July 23 - 29 Comment by Bee_B July 2012
  • Thanks for the list! :)
  • Hi everyone! I did W4D1 today... all I have to say is it kicked my butt!! It's a big jump from week 3. I pretty much made it through though. I only stopped twice for about 15 sec each time in the last 5 min run. Not too bad. I might repeat this week depending on how I feel after the third session as I still need to work on…
  • Thanks! It is definitely something that I need to work on and it's not something that just comes naturally. I'm glad to know that it will get easier :smile: I was supposed to do W3D2 last night but I worked late so it will be tonight. Have a great day everyone!
  • Millyross - What he ends up doing now is during the walking portions he turns around and walks back to meet me so we can walk together. I'm not sure what we are going to do when there is less walking but we both have head phones in anyway and don't talk much so it will work out fine. Finished W3 D1 tonight. I was really…
  • I use a this recipe: However, I scale it down to one serving. it works out to be 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1 1/2 tsp olive oil, 1 1/2 tsp honey and a dash of soy sauce. It's delicious! :)
  • Hi everyone! I started the C25K program a few weeks ago with my boyfriend. We repeated week 2 because life got in the way but just finished Week 2 Day 3 tonight. I am so happy I found this group because I definitely need all the support I can get! I find that I am much slower than he is. He grew up playing soccer and other…
  • I miss Count Chocula, Golden Grahams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch :( I always point them out if they are on sale at the grocery store but I don't buy them anymore. I actually don't eat boxed cereal at all anymore - I make my own oatmeal every morning that has lots of fruit and no added sugar. It's delicious and super healthy…
    in Cereal Comment by Bee_B July 2012
  • The Bourne Ultimatum
  • Mean Girls
  • Sorry I messed up! Will Ferrell Bewitched
  • The Ladies Man
  • There's Something About Mary
  • First: Phil Collins (My mom's favourite - she took me along when I was 10) Last: Florence + the Machine about 2 1/2 months ago
  • Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine. I heard it on a big iPod random while I was cooking earlier today and it's been stuck in my head ever since :)
  • Hi everyone! I have been a pescetarian for about 10 years now. However, after reading Jonathan Safran Foer's book "Eating Animals" in December I am really trying hard to cut fish/seafood out completely - or at leas significantly reduce my consumption to maybe a few times a year. So far I have been successful :) I do have…
  • How do you make pumpkin spice cream cheese? Sounds delicious!
  • Bump! I will have to try this out. Sounds yummy :)
  • I have most mornings for breakfast. I make mine with 1/3 cup dry oats, 2 tbsp wheat germ, 1/3 - 1/2 cup of chopped apple, 25g of raisins, about a 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and 2/3 cup of milk (I either use coconut milk or 1% if I'm out of coconut). I microwave it for 2 min 20 sec and let it sit for about 10 min afterwards to…
  • Hi there! I'm originally from a city about an hour west of Toronto but I'm living in the UK right now. I will be heading back home again at the end of March. I can't wait! :) New friends are always welcome!
  • nettle1776: I think her colouring is called tortoise shell or torti for short. My dad calls her ugly (jokingly... more to bug me... he likes to do that lol) but I think she's beautiful :) roadto100: Thank you! :)
  • This is my first time posting pictures so I hope it works! This is my baby Zoe. I adopted her about 5 years ago from the humane society. Right now she lives with my dad because I relocated to the UK for a bit. I miss her!!
  • Swallow! Yum! Strawberry ice cream