there_is_no_spoon Member


  • It's awful. The worst thing for me has been thinning hair, acne, "hag" hairs, irregular heartbeat and weight gain. Never had a problem until I hit about 30. I have tried Spironolactone and BC and it controls the acne but made my boobs even bigger ! Not a good thing when you are already big. I stopped taking everything and…
  • I am not doing weight watchers but I am on week 2 of Insanity. I had pretty good results the first time I did Insanity (fell off the wagon about 1/2 way through - holidays). I really was not watching what I ate first time. This time I have been ruthless with diet - very little carbs or sugar or processed anything. I do eat…
  • Hi there I just finished week 1 too. Started week 2 day 1 today. Was feeling very sore this past week! I had tried Insanity the end of last summer before the holidays and lasted into the second month. I did not lose a single pound but my clothes were definitely looser. Last time I did not focus on diet and pretty much ate…