Wow you ares so a great inspiration.
Good job, you make the good choice. I dont think surgery id the good solution too
Stay strong amazing women! All the best is coming to you xxxx
wow your name on the site is right , you're a queen. congrats for the big success on your effort!
Happy Birthday!! and bravo you are a great inspiration!
bravo pretty girl! proud of you!
wow! good job, you are a great inspiration!
great inspiration and continue your good job :)
wow good job!!
thanks for all the advice, I looked on the website and wow you are all right they have great advice and exercices. So I'M happy to see that some of you have been able to lose weight at home with really good result. Good luck to all of you also :)
thanks you are right, I think if we have motivation we can do everythings!
thanks for your advices :)
wow you look amazing , your hard work is well reward! and thank you for the advice! :)
bvo am proud of you. you are a great inspiration miss :)
wow you look great, you are an inspiration for me that just begin my journey! good luck and good continuation!