augcog Member


  • You can do this! Let me know if you need support!
  • Hello there! I am new this board, but wondered if any of you have mental roadblocks from the celiac diagnosis? I often tend to carry the attitude that since I can't enjoy a lot of things I can eat things that are GF even though I know they are empty calories. I need to get over this hump! I was diagnosed 10 years ago and…
  • I missed the January challenge but we should do a February as well! I am game for sure :)
  • I believe you ended up on this webpage for a reason. You are ready to change. You need to believe in yourself. If you can't focus on working out right now focus on tracking food. You will have more energy because you are putting healthier things in your body. I too am at my heaviest, or almost. I get to be the biggest…