

  • Congratulations!!!! That is a great story and very inspirational!
  • Oh WOW!! This looks awesome and thank you for sharing!!
  • Thank you for being honest and writing this, sometimes that is the hardest part. I definitely can relate...I know it has taken me longer than I wanted to lose 7 lbs. I think the best advice I can give is to plan out your meals and log everything. That is how I have been able to see my results. It also makes it feel easier…
  • Great idea! I love the recipes on and will definitely take a look. Thanks!
  • Hello - I am 5'5 and currently 146 lbs. I have fluctuated between 140-145 over the past 6 months. My goal is to get down to 125. I have taken a better look at my diet and started to increase my exercise routine. I am hoping to get to my goal in 3 months!
  • Thanks so much for your insight! I did find that the coupons in the Sunday paper and online are mainly for processed food product. That said, I will probably just stick to couponing for paper/cleaning items. I went grocery shopping yesterday shortly after I posted this and was able to get a lot of fresh fruits and…
  • Thanks so much for your insight! I did find that the coupons in the Sunday paper and online are mainly for processed food product. That said, I will probably just stick to couponing for paper/cleaning items. I went grocery shopping yesterday shortly after I posted this and was able to get a lot of fresh fruits and…
  • Awesome, thank you so much for all of your replies. I am so glad that I purchased some whole wheat pasta. Now to find some new recipe ideas! Thanks!
  • I have been running for 4 years now and last year I was running everyday about 4-5 miles a day and some long runs on the weekends. I started noticing pain in my knees and feet and toward the end of the year, I was barely able to run more than 2 times a week. This year, I have decided to diversify more workout regime and I…
  • What's your name? Ashley Where do you live? Connecticut What are your food vices/ cheats? CARBS!! - pasta and bread What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? not eating right What's your favorite exercise? running What exercise would you like to try this year? biking What is your biggest trouble…