brwnsuga6 Member


  • They say find an exercise you love to do and I think I've found it. I went roller skating with my daught this past Saturday and had an amazing time...didn't fall either! I read that roller skating for one hour can burn about 500 calories and works all of your major muscle groups due to need to balance yourself. I was a bit…
  • Ok,here goes nothing! First time ever commenting on a weight loss blog, but I need to admit, I need the help and motivation of others. CW is 199.4 and my goal weight is 175 by July (My big 5-0). If I can just dedicate and commit myself to being accountable in this forum, I'll be batting a thousand. I hope to keep my…
  • I know this may sound shallow, but if it helps then it's worth sharing. I think Beyonce is the sexiest woman alive; her body, her dancing, I love her. So when I exercise, even if it's just walking, I think in my head WWBD? (What would Beyonce do?). All things that are sexy are my motivation so when I work out I like to do…
  • If you want to add some calories without adding junk add some MUFA (monosaturated fats-get a list from the internet) and lean meats like chicken, pork tenderloin (lean cuts), beans, and eggs. They have plenty of calories and they make you full so you won't have to resort to bad foods. If you do decide to endulge, be sure…
  • I totally agree with you. You can choose to eat smaller portions and to eat it on occasion instead of frequently. I believe that's the reason so many people fail at fad diets like the Adkins diet because it doesn't teach you to be accountable for what you're eating, just to avoid eating specific foods altogether. Now…
  • Your story and pictures are exactly what I needed today. We are about the same age and have children the same age as well. I am strong and I will do it. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Make you a big nice salad, with full flavor dressing. After eating the salad (with plenty of water) cut a slice of pizza in half, and get one spoon of each pasta. Try to fill up on the salad as much as possible. Soon you'll find the salad to be not only as filling but as tasty as other foods. Try adding different healty…
  • Isn't it amazing how making one change in your life can inspire you to change your entire life? I wish you continued success in all that you do and all that you could hope, wish and pray to do. I hope that you next step would be to seek God and find your purpose. For all that you have been through,and the patience you have…
  • I understand what you're saying. When I was 150 pounds, I could fit some 10's but I most wore a size 12 and 11/12 in juniors. Right now, I'm somewhere between 185-190 and I wear 14's but I can still squeeze into some 12's. I don't consider myself big-boned, but I do believe that I naturally have more muscle mass than the…
  • Let me start by saying that you've already succeeded just by starting your weight loss journey and posting you pictures shows your dedication to yourself...congrads for that alone. Remember that just like life, this is a journey, not a destination so the point is to learn and enjoy along the way. I can see your weight loss…
  • You look awesome! I have the opposite problem...I have a hard time making time to work out and I have no excuses not to do so. This site has absolutely helped me just in the last few weeks so I hope you find success as well. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • Congrads on you upcoming wedding. Have you thought about cutting back on meats and trying alternative protein sources like beans and soy? I'm what some people call a flexitarian- I eat fish and chicken but very, very rarely-maybe 4-5 times per month, but it's the carbs, wine and vodka that gets me :o) It sounds like you…
  • At this point you should now focus on your tape measurements. Remember a pound of fat and and pound of muscle weigh the same but muscle takes up less space than fat. So your weight may increase or stay the same but you body mass is decreasing. Be sure to keep up with your waist, hip and thigh measurements to make sure your…
  • I'm a 40+ woman who has only had to deal with weight at this age. In the past, I could skip lunch for a week and lose five pounds but no more. And after I stopped smoking, the weight really packed on. You seem relatively young so I will give you some life advice, not just a diet tip. You only get to live this life one time…
  • I wouldn't even think it was the same person. You look amazing. Believe it or not, your photos are inspiring. I can't wait til I can post some before and after shot of my own. Keep up the good work!!
  • Look at you!! I'm truly inspired...I just started my weight loss journey and am not optimistic about my fitness options. But looking at your pics makes me want to do something in the evenings, even if it's 10 minutes a night. Thanks for sharing and I wish you continued success!