rhinosfan Member


  • Hi, I have been doing the 30DS for the month of June in a thread on here. Just wanted to say that I have hurt my knee from level 3. Got to 6 days in and something hurt my knee and ankle in my left leg (I'm thinking plyometric lunges and the rock star jumps) I though if I just rested it over the weekend it would be better…
    in Injuries? Comment by rhinosfan July 2013
  • Wow! well done you look fantastic! You look really different in the pictures of the start and end, like others have said younger and much happier at the end. And thank you for reminding me that it takes time, I was getting grumpy that I wasn't seeing much difference after 25 days of the 30 Day Shred, but now I realise I am…
  • Just youtubed ripped in 30-man that looks hard. My last 5 days of level 3 starting today, had 2 days off. I decided that even though I hated level two I think when I have finished these last five days I might start doing level 1 and level 2 together and doing it every other day. I feel I still have some unfinished business…
  • Feeling better today. Woke up to a flatter stomach than last night so guess its more that something I'm eating is bloating me. About to get day 5 out the way. I think I read on here somewhere that Jillian recommends ripped in 30 over the 30 day shred, can't remember why. Will have a look at that other womans on Amazon.…
  • L3D4-done. Pushed through, did normal push ups as the crunching noises in my shoulders when I did the travelling ones was really off putting. Feeling alittle down about it all. Feels like the only thing I'm really working in on is shoulders. They have some real definition and so do my biceps, but apart from that nothing…
  • You will get better, you are only 3 days into this level. Even when I had done 9 days before, that last day was still a massive effort, the cardio on this level meant my heart pounding the entire way through the 20 mins. I sweated the same amount at the end that I did when first starting the level. Don't get us wrong,…
  • l2d3 done tonight. I think I may just not be strong enough for this level. I really feel like I am doing all I can just to get through it, and I do most all of them wrong. Every once in a while I will try to flatten my back or straighten my legs to get into the right form and I can feel the difference but my muscles…
  • L3D2- done. Was feeling it in my core while at work today. Came home and did the dvd before I got comfortable. Feeling it in my core even more now. No pain no gain! Find I struggle with the travelling push ups-think the noise of my shoulders cracking on every one is putting me off. But still enjoy it more than level 2 :-)
  • L3D1-done. Much much better than level 2! Like others have said it goes so much quicker, I couldn't believe when she said in to circuit 3. I don't feel like she might actually be trying to kill me on this level as I did with 2. But oh does she love any kind of jumping?! My only complaint would be that she goes straight to…
  • L2D10-done. Went quite quickly again today. Will not miss this level. Finished up with a few heavier weights afterwards. Decided that since I only did 9 days of level 1, tomorrow I am going to do level one with a heavier weight than I used through that level. See if I have improved any. I now do this workout in the bedroom…
  • Sorry to hear about your *kitten* day today. Well done for pushing through the workout despite it. Not sure I could have forced myself after that. L2D9-done. Seemed to pass quite quickly today. Have to say my shoulders look more defined but only if I pull a pose like those in bodybuilding competitions haha, so I'm forever…
  • L2D8- done. Maybe because I gave myself the little pep talk yesterday today was better. It was still hard going but just kept telling myself that its only 2 more days left and I have already done 7 of this level so I know I can do it. Was still laid on the floor in a sweaty mess at the end :-) I have started counting how…
  • L2D7-done! You know what I realised when I was doing it (have to think of anything else to distract me from the sound and feel of my heart pounding as though its going to explode!) I may be moaning about this level on here after every time I have done it.......but.......I'm still doing it.....everyday! Still pushing myself…
  • L2D6 done. Taking everything I've got to write this as my arms are jelly. Had a rest day yesterday. Keep telling myself that its only 4 more days of this. Level 3 might be a new hell (dare not look, so not sure) but anything has to be better than this. Sorry for my moaning everyone, I know this is supposed to be an…
  • Day 5 of level 2 done. Blurgh! Think knowing tomorrow is my rest day made this seem doubly hard today. Either that or its just really really hard :grumble: Weirdly today I woke up feeling not toned at all anywhere on my body. I know that sounds ridiculous but it makes sense to me, my stomach seemed to stick out more today…
  • L2 D4 done. Done early today as we have plans for the rest of the day. At what point is this going to get easier? My heart pounds all the way through. By the time I get to the v squat things near the end I am doing 1 to their 2/3. So hard! After tomorrow I am going to have a rest day then start day 6 the day after, last…
  • shemyg06- I couldn't do the proper push ups either until I hit day 5 and made myself follow Natalie. Even then the first few days I could hardly get down very far. I am on day 13 now and can now do them, slowly, Even when I did start to do them properly I could only do 10 each set. It will come eventually.
  • Day 3 of level 2.-DONE! My upper body is jelly, but damn I forced myself to work really hard! I don't enjoy this level as much and don't look forward to working out out as much as I did the last level. Definitely seeing results on my stomach, its definitely flatter! And the fat I do have around there is starting to look…
  • Level 2 day 2-been at work today so forced myself to do it when I got in before tea, otherwise I would have tried to get out of it. My shoulders!!!!!!!! Oh the burning.........and my legs are like jelly. Really don't like the abs exercises on this level, much preferred level 1's, especially that plank with the twisty leg,…
  • Day 1 of level 2........actually found this OK *ducks behind sofa to avoid things being thrown :blushing: * I tended to split between following Natalie for some exercises then following Anita for others My wrists hurt from all the plank positions and I pulled something in my stomach on the first walking push ups but felt…
  • Chickening out for day 10. My first day back at work since starting the DVD and I'm tired out. Already had a shower to get the work smell off me so not doing today and having to get another shower. Starting level 2 tomorrow, even though as I sit here writing this I actually want to go do my last day of level 1 just so I…
  • Day 9 done. Was definitely better today than yesterday. Must have just been an off day. Still only managed 10 of the proper push ups each time, but managed to get lower for like 2 of them! Although the sound effects of my shoulders clicking each time was off putting. The amount of side lunges I can manage is getting more…
  • D8 of L1-yuck. Not sure what was wrong today, didn't feel like doing it but pushed through and felt like it was really hard today. I'm not someone who has got sick of doing the same thing as its only 20 mins and I usually just talk along with Jillian to use that as a motivator so its not that I'm not bored, it was just…
  • Day 7 done. I actually managed 10 proper press ups each time! Although I didn't get down very far it still counts right? (please say it counts) Made my weights heavier too for the chest flys and the side lunge. although I only used one weight for the side lunge cos lets face it they are hard enough anyway :laugh:
  • Today is my day 7 and I will complete it once I can move. After the high of completing Natalie exercises yesterday I am now sore everywhere again, especially my back, so I'm thinking it was something to do with the way I did the crunches. I'm sure doing the exercises again will improve this. I think you can see some…
  • Woohoo! Back at it after a rest day for L1D6. I followed Natalie too. Feel great :happy: Only managed about 3 proper push ups and had to go back to on my knees but everything else managed. Finding the cardio so easy towards the end now and now when she is saying "I know you want to shut off this dvd but stick with us" I'm…
  • Hi everyone, Completed day 5 of level 1 today. Have to say as Jillian says on the DVD about people on day 5,6,7 noticing a real difference in their endurance, I definitely am! I actually looked forward to doing this today but then it is the first day that my calves haven't hurt me so much that it hurts to walk :smile: I…
  • Did day 4 yesterday and this is the first morning I have got up with no pain in my calves. So it definitely does ease the more you do it. Boyf was day 2 yesterday and while we were doing the last cardio said he thinks he won't do it any more, not gonna let him give up that easy!
  • Hi all, today is my day 4(will do when boyf gets home from work) I did start this when I bought it over a year ago but as I did it every other day I never felt like I was getting anywhere or improving so I gave up, but now I'm going to try everyday. Finding that when I'm doing it lifting the weights and the beginners push…