

  • Uh... not cool. Especially with socks... and especially not with socks for women. Yes, you can where whatever you want, but should you?
  • A calorie is a calorie... alcohol isn't the problem, as long as you track the intake. I have a similar weekend problem... but it's what I lose control and eat when I'm drinking that's the problem. My willpower gets drunk and let's me eat bad things... Less drinking = better eating habits.
  • Uh... they sound good, but where's the pumpkin?
  • The danger of having a specific date to work toward is that once you get there (which you will) you tend to let it all go back to the way you were before... I've done this stupid thing every year for the last ten years. I'm currently on a mission to make a permanent change in my weight... not just work toward a short term…