glogg4me Member


  • I cheated and weighed myself diuring the week and am paying for it because Sat. morning I was 166 and today I am 167. However since starting this diet I got off my stall and have lost 4.5 lbs in the first two weeks. An average a little over 2lb a week is outstanding when measured against what I used to have to do achieve…
  • The asterisks are a stand in for the recipe name ie Mango salsa
  • How about we all agree to put in recipes with a consistent prefix so it is easy for us all to find. I'd suggest FMD P1 *******, FMD P2 *****, FMD P3. Should we add weather it is a snack, breakfast, lunch or dinner in the prefix as well? This way we just have to search for FMD P2 lunch and a lot of options will come up.
  • A word of caution is that you need to get raw not roasted almond butter. My costco only has roasted, but you can order a six pack from walmart but it is expensive so I'd check out trader joes if you have one.