jennydelgado09 Member


  • I get up at 4am to go to a crossfit class at 5am. Evenings don't work because of the mom life. Got 3-9,7, and 4 month old. You could try working out during your play time with them. Use him as a weight, kids love that. My 9 and 7 year old still love to jump on my back so I can squat them lol. Or hold in front of you, squat…
  • 9, 7 and 4 month old. I get up at 4am to make it to my 5am crossfit class. I've been pretty inconsistent since I've had my youngest one but doing good this week so far. I also tried running during my lunch. Which is ok but in Texas and it's still so hot. So haven't in 2 weeks. Mornings work best for me. I use to go in the…
  • Eating a smaller portion now let's me have a big dinner. I could have a had a bit more but at the time I had my baby getting fussy so I just got a quick bowl. And left the rest for my bf.
  • I've just started weighing. Never done it before, i didn't want that kind of relationship with food. But i do actually like it. It gives me control over food and more accuracy. I'm in my first week in so whether it works or not, i don't know. Hopefully it does.
  • I agree! Lol. But unfortunately at 4'11 my calorie intake to lose weight is really low.
  • Actually I just checked it now. Yesterday I ate way under(couldn't leave work for lunch), was at 1000 calories for the day. I closed it out and it told me I would weigh 138 in 5 weeks if I kept up the good work lol. Would be awesome but rather not skip lunch again.
  • I put 1lb a week and sedentary since I've been so inconsistent with working out. And I am 4'11 so yes very petite. I just want to get a general idea. I still plan to eat an extra 200-300 calories if I'm able to go workout. If not then 1200-1300 still puts me in a deficit. But having it set at 1200 and planning meals around…
  • So if I'm making something like spaghetti and I use 16oz I should weigh all of that after its cooked and then weigh my portion? If I weigh raw pasta and then my portion of cooked pasta that won't be accurate right?
  • After thinking about it more I'm going to use 1200 as base and add as needed. I'll add in snacks or give myself a larger plate at dinner, etc. I worked out this morning so I'm going to add 200 more calories. I think if i don't do that it'll be too easy for me to go over. Whereas if I have something set then I can just add…
  • I would just encourage healthier snacks and outdoor activities. My son is 7 and a bit heavy. The dr told me to keep an eye on it so I'm going to try to get him into karate and get him a new scooter because he likes that. If she feels good about herself then I wouldn't bring up the weight issue. You can make it more about…
  • Brownies.cake. candy bars. Oreos. Chocolate cookies. Basically anything chocolate. I have no will power to not eat all of it.
  • I doubt you'll see any change in your ears. You can get them now or use it as a reward for hitting a certain weight. Your hands and feet will change. I lost about 22 lbs over the past few years, but also went down 6 pant sizes. And my hands are very different. My college ring that use to fit perfectly now flys off if I'm…
  • I agree. But the pic is old lol. I just had a baby and been very inconsistent. So 1200 is what was calculated if i don't do anything. Which I'm trying to get back at it. And when i do I'll of course add 200-300 more calories
  • Ok good info. So if I miss a workout here and there(aiming for the 5am class is hard) should I lower my calorie goal for that day?
  • So if I go with the 1460 I shouldn't eat back any calories burned right? Because that's already taken into consideration?
  • Probably. I don't have a scale right now but that could help. But it also confuses me. If I make a large batch of something, like sloppy joes how do I measure that? If I mix a can of sauce with a 1lb ground beef how do I measure that? Would I need to set aside the portion I'm eating of beef, measure, then set aside sauce,…
  • I was thinking of maybe adding a fruit or small salad with it. I guess I'm thinking I'm eating more calories at dinner than I thought I was. So maybe that's why I'm not losing anything. Its easier to fix things that I eat at breakfast and lunch though when I'm eating alone.
  • No, it doesn't. The classes are suppose to be set up to accommodate beginners and advance cross-fitters. The trainer and just other members are really good at helping with form. When I was doing the deadlifts my group kept trying to correct my form but I kept messing up. Plus the weights I started with was too much. After…
  • I'm trying to lose about 35 lbs. I usually eat between 1000-1500 calories a day. When I first started I'd go over at times but lately I've been under or in between.