AirFury Member


  • Just started keto last week, and I love it! I'm 25 and about 270 pounds right now (the most I've been in my entire life.) My goal is to get down to 185, and then maybe go into the Air Force, but I'll see what my options are by that time. Other info about me, I love Doctor Who, Japanese, Jimmy Eat World, Death Cab for…
    in Welcome! Comment by AirFury April 2013
  • Name: Sarah Reddit: Alanna_of_Trebond Stats: 25/F Location: Northern KY
  • Would you be able to do 3pm on this upcoming Saturday, Feb 2?
  • Barbara, I love your attitude. I agree, too many people in these kinds of groups are too passive. I love this aggressive, active approach, and I feel like everyone here is already putting in the work to make their "dream" of joining the military into an inevitability. I'm Sarah, and I am joining the USAF by the end of July…
  • Name: Sarah Age: 25 Gender: Female Branch: USAF 1.5 Mile Run: 26:43 Pushups: 5/min Situps: 28/min Goal: 12 wks 1.5 Mile Run: 18:42 (30% decrease) Pushups: 10/min (50% increase) Situps: 38/min (~30% increase)