

  • Lose the Gluten not the carbs. You cut out a crap load of work your liver needs to do, and you will lose weight naturally.
  • Glucerna..... most of the others cause sugar spikes, have quite a bit of unhealthy stuff in them, that will cause you to gain weight. There is not much difference in the contents of instant breakfast and slim-fast so its no wonder people have problem with it. The one most prescribed by doctors is iso-source. I only suggest…
  • You don't have to buy the book just follow a no-allergen diet. Its exactly the same.
  • Let me start off my saying I am a sick person. I have EE am allergic to Seafood Milk Beef Pork Lamb Sage, Mugwort, Mold Nearly every species of tree grass and stinging insect out there. I have a ungodly amount of allergies, experience asthma attacks regularly, because of which I don't exercise great, or that often. Frankly…
  • Are you under stress? Sometimes you body holds onto weight because your releasing certain hormones that make you retain fat. When that happens you get no change. Sometimes you even gain weight. At that point you have to switch gears and start focusing on other things that might be affecting you.
  • They have it at Costco (industrial size) and I seen it at Walmart tonight in peanut butter size jar.
  • Gluten free baking primarily, because gluten free breads cake and other bake goods require it in many recipes, the oil helps the bread cupcake or pastry stay moist. People with Celiac disease also turn to this because it less likely to be contaminated during processing. Also I wanted to add this is a main ingredient for…
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