JATP1 Member


  • Hmm, well good to know there is hope. Thank you for your responses, It was a shock to see my legs looking saggy, they have always been the most muscular part of my body, and even at my heaviest 258 I never really had cellulite.
  • I need support too and have used this but never added any people so it has not been as effective as it could be. Still trying to figure out how it all works. But it looks like you are doing something right. That's a lot in a short period of time. Don't forget this is the long haul, you don't want to burn out you want…
  • That was just what I needed as I have a lot to lose. I'm thinking small goals right now, just get back into my old clothes, but to see someone who has done it without craziness of pills diet aids etc. So inspiring, Thank you for sharing!!
  • Take care of yourself and go eat something healthy and do some sit-ups, squats whatever you can to work out in your room or you will really feel resentful. And tomorrow when you are feeling good decide if you need to set some limits with the boyfriend,