catroseann Member


  • Wow, you guys look great. My hubby & I each lost 30 some pounds a few years ago. Unfortunately we gained it back, plus some more. :( I started back on here on my sister-in-laws birthday. She has lost 40+ pounds & kept if off!! She is my motivation to do it too.....Now, if I could just get my hubby interested again!! lol I…
  • You are building muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. That means that your weight loss & your muscle gain are balancing each other out right now. How you feel is what truly matters!! You are doing a great job. Believe me I know it's frustrating!! I lose weight really well the first month of a diet or so, then it just…
  • Wow, thanks everyone. I think part of the reason I get so out of breath when I exercise is how much I weigh. Weght, combined with asthma, does make it difficult. I just have to tell myself, keep at it, keep at it. I do use an inhaler for my breathing, also carry an epipen for severe allergies. You are all terrific!! I need…