So........., start all over!! AGAIN!!

I started here a while back, but have not been following, & guess what!! I gained 5 pounds. It seems I just have to smell food & I gain weight. I have lost & gained so many times, that this time I would like it to be the forever time. I am 5'2" , 52 years old, & weigh 215 pounds. Help. Carbs seem to be my enemy. When I eat less carbs I lose better. Need lots & lots of tips. I also have asthma so not able to exercise too strenuously. Can anyone out there help me? Desperate!!!


  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I am a respiratory therapist. Your asthma should not inhibit anythig you do. If it is that easily triggered maybe you should talk with your doctor about getting on a controller inhaler or upping the dose of the one you are on now. You can also pretreat 15 minutes before exercise with your reliever inhaler (ie albuterol or xopenex). Exercise is beneficial for so many reasons so maybe this is all worth looking into? Good luck to you!! Oh, and carbs are my downfall too!! :laugh:
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Options least your back. nobody's perfect!
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome back... I have only been on this site for a couple of weeks, but have already made connections with alot of new supportive friends. You can add me as a friend and maybe we can help each other :)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    It happens to all of us. Maybe with the carbs switch all to whole grains and brown rice. Try not to eat anything white. Just try small goals of 3 days this week I will ... then commit to doing that for 3 weeks. At the end add to it. :)
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    But here's the good news.....(1) You're back (2) This will be the last time you 'start over' because you're going to succeed!

    You are right about the carbs. Try to increase your protein significantly, cut out any processed/refined sugars (stick to fruits), increase fiber, and limit the "white" foods like bread, pasta, potatos...the current research is showing better weight loss through these steps.

    If you're having a hard time with cardio exercise because of your asthma, work on strength training. The more muscle you build, the higher you metabolic rate will be - plus, you're burning calories as you do the strength training moves.

    Also here's a neat post that someone shared a few weeks ago that I found helpful...

    Best of luck to you, and welcome back!
  • SIsherwood
    SIsherwood Posts: 3 Member
    I read an article that compared the brainwaves of an obese person who ate their trigger food, to a person who is addicted to drugs. Turns out that the same endorphins are produced in the brain for the obese person when they are eating their trigger food as the drug addict when they are using their drug of choice. My point is that you should not beat yourself for having to start again, but celebrate yourself for starting again. It’s not how many times you started, but how you get there in the end. It’s a struggle and you should celebrate yourself for coming back and not quitting. Congrats!!!!!!!! :smile:
  • pittielover23
    Hi! Have you tried less strenuous exercise for your asthma? Maybe a good yoga class or water aerobics? Anything is better than nothing :)

    And I am starting over again too, so you are far from alone in that battle! I wish all the time that food did not have the hold over me that it does, but I am determined to beat it. There is so much more to life than food and I want to be able to experience it!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I started here a while back, but have not been following, & guess what!! I gained 5 pounds. It seems I just have to smell food & I gain weight. I have lost & gained so many times, that this time I would like it to be the forever time. I am 5'2" , 52 years old, & weigh 215 pounds. Help. Carbs seem to be my enemy. When I eat less carbs I lose better. Need lots & lots of tips. I also have asthma so not able to exercise too strenuously. Can anyone out there help me? Desperate!!!

    well you know what works for you there is half the battle, just need to pay attention to what does YOUR body best and go with it.
    and you can adjust mfp to your style. this is my second account on here because when i first got on here i went with the default settings instead of what i know works gained weight. got frustrated canceled my acct. go back on new acct , customized the setting and bingo.

    and as far as the asthma, there is no reason for that to hold you back , it should not. get with your doctor look into better management. i have an 11 year old with asthma. I was blessed with finding 2 amazing peds who were/are very proactive on the asthma with prevenative care. It has never slowed him down a bit.
  • catroseann
    catroseann Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone. I think part of the reason I get so out of breath when I exercise is how much I weigh. Weght, combined with asthma, does make it difficult. I just have to tell myself, keep at it, keep at it. I do use an inhaler for my breathing, also carry an epipen for severe allergies. You are all terrific!! I need al the encouragement I can get. Thanks again!! :happy: