Klarini Member


  • Well I always taught Strava was a bit rubbish at estimating calories because my husband gets some crazy high readings (like 2500kcal) but now it seems like he may be actually burning even more than that! When I look at my HRM reading of mere 450kcal after an intense boot camp training I wish I was a tall big guy like him.…
  • Weight gain in pregancy is not linear. Some woman gain a lot of weight in the first trimester when there should be virtually no gain at all and then it kind of levels out and the total gain ends up within recommended range. Some other gain most of the weight at the end of the pregnancy. That said, if you already gained 22…
  • I usually cook a meal with a bit of olive oil and then a bit before it is finished I separate a portion for me and add more olive oil to the food left in the pot/pan and cook some more. I also add butter, cream, cheese to the meals saved for my husband and children. For me, I usually cut out those from recipes as they are…
  • That article is nonsense because lactose content of greek yogurt (or any other fermented dairy product for that matter) is way lower than what you would find in milk. For that reason lactose intolerant people can drink yogurt and peds actually advise parents to introduce yogurt into baby's diet before cows milk as it is…
  • My children are 4 and almost 2 years old. It was only AFTER the second pregnancy that I gained weight. All the breastfeeding could not outdo bad eating habits due to the hectic schedule I had at the time (started postgrad studies when the second baby was 3 month old). After 18 months I realised that I could not go like…
  • You need to consider what is normal for YOU. If you only missed period for one month before then missing it for two consecutive months (so far) is not normal for you. Therefore, I would go see my doctor. You lost a significant amount of weight and fat cells have impact on reproductive hormones, so the diet can cause…
  • Mediterrean diet is healthy, but portion control is key if you want to lose weight. It is based on good quality ingredients, but it's not really low calorie diet per se. Tahini, for example, is over 600 kcal/100g, but it's not meant to be eaten in huge amounts anyway. The meals are delicious and it's very tempting to go…
  • It really is different for everyone. I breastfed both of my children and I was able to lose weight but only with calory restriction. So, breastfeeding made no difference in terms of weightloss compared to my non-breastfeeding state. However, I found that I just could not lose the final 5-10 lbs no matter what I did. It was…
  • Congratulations on your weightloss and happy birthday! Just realised that if all goes according to the plan, I will hit the healthy BMI range right around my birthday so there's another incentive to stick to the plan. Thanks for the idea!