NurseEmmyRN Member


  • Peanut butter. Just one serving will add 200 extra calories to your day. :-)
  • You got this! Start making 1 easy change at a time rather than piling on the "perfect" lifestyle all at once. My first step that lost my first 15 pounds with little to almost no effort was telling myself "No eating after 8." I am now working on increasing fruit and vegetable intake, which isn't actually showing any…
  • Varries from woman to woman. It really depends what percentage of your particular breast is mamary tissue to adipose (fat) tissue. If it's largely fat, it will shrink. If it's largely mamary, you will probably still see some reduction in size, but not a whole lot. In my family our band size goes down and our cup size goes…
  • On calories that low, I would eventually expect a stall in weight loss. HOWEVER, with a medical perspective in mind, that's not what your doctor is probably worried about. The four-month supervised weight loss trial is going to see if you legit need a procedure or if your condition can be managed via lifestyle changes.…
  • Well, you can always start by contacting his/her doctor's office. If he/she is claiming and collecting on social security due to disability without any truly inhibiting physical injuries, etc., letting the doctor know can take away his/her income source if the doctor believes it's a legit claim. For instance, if he/she can…
  • Some dumbells, a jump rope, running shoes. I'm in an apartment and don't have room for too much stuff. I get a discount at my gym through the hospital I work at.
  • I actually eat the most at lunch. I work out in the morning and by lunch my sugars are low and I need to get a good meal in. I don't have any medical problems but sugars tend to run low in my family (not dangerously, just annoyingly). By dinner I'm mostly just tired from the long day of work and school and not so hungry. I…
  • Heya! Welcome! Like everyone has been saying, it's just one change at a time. Don't turn it into a race you can't win. :-) I work in medical and am on the road to eventually becoming an endocrinologist, so if you have questions about weight loss despite all those fun problems, feel free to ask! If I don't know I can ask a…
  • Hey, I'm in school now working to be an endocrinologist, and so I study diet and the body quite a bit. In general, for a healthy person you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight so long as calories in is always less than calories out. However, many different foods have different affects on your brain and how you…