asiamonique Member


  • I danced in college and I was constantly moving. I even worked out before the workout we would have as a team, so I use that as my motivation now when it comes to interval training and even my basic cardio workouts. :happy:
  • My goodness...I LOVE oatmeal raisin cookies!!! I see one...and I go crazy.
  • Awesome stuff!!! Congrats on your degree and thank you for the add!!!!
  • That's a great tip...I normally do get the "raw" feeling from my sports bra!
  • CONGRATS!!!! That's awesome!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • I normally have a cheat meal on weekends. I'm normally on the go during the week and must keep my meals light and as healthy as possible, so a cheat meal or snack on the weekends is not really an issue and if anything it motivates my workouts even more during the week. =)! Its all a personal thing really. What do YOU want?…
  • I normally have a cheat meal on weekends. I'm normally on the go during the week and must keep my meals light and as healthy as possible, so a cheat meal or snack on the weekends is not really an issue and if anything it motivates my workouts even more during the week. =)! Its all a personal thing really. What do YOU want?…
  • Depending on my mood: Drink 1/2 cup of soy a 1/2 cup of cereal...or eat a cup of yogurt.
  • Hello everyone! I actually am JUST getting back to this app. I've milled around with it, just as a food diary and didn't actually realize, that (from my iphone) it was more than just an app, but a community. I originally used this as a means of recording food, but even the app itself gets excited when you lose a pound or…
    in Hi Comment by asiamonique August 2011