

  • I agree with the folks above- protien and fiber can certainly help. And water!! Lots of people under estimate the amount of water they actually drink. I ALWAY keep a cup of water around me- at work, at home, shopping, anywhere! I use what my fiance calls "grown up sippy cups"- those refillable ones that have straws and…
  • I LOOOOOVE Turbo Fire!!!! It's awesome!!! I was hoping there would be some folks on here that did it, too! I bought it a few months ago but just recently really started doing it (it comes with a schedule of what class to do when...) It takes all the things I love about the LesMills classes at the gym and let's me do it at…
  • i think that
  • I find it odd that it adds in your exercise calories, too! Like, if I burn 600 cals exercising, why does it take my total allowed calories from 1200 to 1800??!! If i were to eat 1800, that would completely negate the exercise I just did!!! It's annoying. I just ignore the added in because I like "tracking" my exercise-- it…
  • Welcome!!! My wedding is exactly one month from today. I will tell you- the time will FLY by!!! The absolute best thing I have found for losing and maintaining weight is to KEEP TRACK and WATCH the portion sizes! If the "Serving Size" says 16 chips (like my whole grain wheat thins with hummus- yum!!) I count out 16 chips…