

  • You can do it! Feel free to friend me. I would love to watch your progress and help motivate you to a healthier happier you.
  • I would love for you to add me. I am 34 and feeling a lot older. I want to get healthy, exercise, and feel more alive! I'm so tired all the time (I have a four year old and a one year old) and want to have the energy to play with them and get all the daily stuff done (which means not going to be at 830) :)
  • I have been nursing for 14 months and have had a difficult time losing weight as well, but it's because I have been eating entirely too much! I am worried that 1200 might be too low. Your body might be holding onto the calories and fat because you still need them???? My goal is set at 1600, but I am shooting for more like…
  • I LOVE your nutrition advice. Eat any time you want, eat whatever you want, just in limitations. That's the way to be truly successful! There's no way I am giving up Oreos for the rest of my life. :) Thanks so much for your inspiration and congratulations on the hard work and weight loss!
  • I would love to help motivate! I too had a c-section and man, it's so much harder to lose weight I think! My stomach is just so weak and still sticks out. The fact that I have a small chest makes it seem to stick out that much worse. :) Hee hee. We can do this one day at a time!!!
  • Hello all! My name is Andrea, 34, and I am here to lose about 15-20 pounds. Other than the reflection I see in the mirror, here are the comments I have heard that are motivating me to lose the weight: "Your not chubby mama, you're just fat," says my four year old. She started calling me chubs when I was pregnant... because…
  • Me, too! I had a baby over a year ago and after I lost the baby weight, I have starting gaining again. I would love to help motivate you! The new year is upon us and I am going to look good by summer. We can do this! What kind of goal do you have? Mine is to lose about 15-20 lbs.
  • I would love some "MOM" buddies. I am new on here and am not sure how to add friends yet. :) I too, need to lose my baby belly. My adorable daughter is 12 weeks old tomorrow and I still look pregnant. I keep using my c-section as an excuse, but really it's just that I need to plan my meals better and do something about it.