grelca Member


  • I think it's probably more denial than actually not being able to tell.
  • i really want to like speedo pace club but their iphone app is terrible and that really, really turns me off. i'm going to try out their endurance building workouts, though! here's mine if anyone wants to add me :D
  • oooh I am really going to have to look into this dry shampoo stuff. I sweat really weird like.. a ton on my back and in my hair (which just like.. stays in my hair) but the rest of me just gets kinda moist (for lack of a better word). It makes having a sweat towel there not very useful! :P I could never cut my hair I love…
  • I'm waiting for the Fitbit Flex to come out.. I know I would have trouble remembering a clip-on, so something you wear all the time would be waay better for me. For calories burned a HRM will probably be way more accurate.
  • I've made my own corn chips by cutting up and baking corn tortillas. I'm not sure that'd really translate to Frito-type corn chips, though.. more like Tostitos.
  • The "nutritionist" I'm going to see actually IS a registered dietician. I know they're different things but I accidentally use the terms interchangeably a lot... Anyway some of my favorite things.. I could eat pasta and/or chicken for every meal and be happy. I actually like a lot of fruits (which is apparently not common…
  • You might want to look up information on supertasters. It's not the same thing as being picky for being picky's sake. His tastes sound A LOT like mine. That said, I never expect my mom to cater to me when she's cooking. If she wants something I can't eat, I just make something else for myself.