

  • well....I'm still going bread free :) feel as if I'm still gaining, but I'm still trying!
    in Hey!!! Comment by sendyb January 2014
  • every day is a new day and a new beginning. I have at least 7 lbs. to shed by February 1!!! Gotta make that happen. Didn't do too bad yesterday even though I had about a cup of "real" icecream :) delicious!!! Exercise and good protien this morning, so I am off to a good start. Babysitting for the next three days so that…
  • okay....I am on day 6 of no bread :( such a weakness! I like to think that I can have a piece every now and then, but honestly...I can't. It's like an eating oreo's......JUST SAY NO!
  • You are right on all is hard and you should be worried about the road you are on. STOP trying to control the scale. I have been where you are and it is not a good place. My advise is to step back and relax. If you gain a couple (as in 2 or 3) while you are tying to get it right, it's okay!!'s…