

  • It really does just take one thing. I used to be convinced i could never really run, then one thing changed and I now regularly do 10k races!!! Running changed my life and I LOVE it now!!
  • For sure!! Carbs and Protein in a good balance!!
  • Been working abroad recently, and not much choise for breakfast. Have found that 2 hard boiled eggs (just 1 yolk though) and 1 flatbread, followed by a small pot of natural yoghert and a teaspoon of honey kept me going for ages!
  • Yup, feeling great in a bikini, and showing off the celebratory navel piercing I got to motivate me to shed the final 3kg!
  • I wear Asics. They're mid-price range for running shoes, and seem to be the preferred choice (along with New Balance) at my running club. They usually come top in running magazine trials too!!
  • Oh, also, very important, walk for at least 5 mins 1st to warm up, and 5 mins at the end to cool down and do 5-10 ins of a stretching program, focus on gluteals (butt), hamstrings and quads (front and back of thigh) and calves + lower calf (soleus).
  • I started running 2 years ago and now I'm hooked (and 10kg lighter!). Start slowly, run-walk intervals. I did run 1 min, walk 2 mins for 20 mins total and gradually cut down on the walking in built up the running until I was running the whole 20 mins, took me about 5 weeks to get there! I always set myself goals to stay…
  • All the really serious tri-athletes I know use them, but they train for up to 8 hours in one go...! I've always reckoned they're probably useful for body builders etc who break down a lot of muscle regularly and want to rebuild it fast. without having to consume tons of food. Book I read recently is an eye-opener........…
  • Ahhhhh, my natural home, surrounded by BH's again!!!! I'm cruising in May, and I still can't believe it!!!! I started getting fit again after they came to the UK in 2009, since then I lost 28lb, and am SO inspired by it all I'm training to be a fitness instructor!! Danny is my main motivation, tho I'm originally a Joe girl…
  • Firstly I'd advise making sure you get a gait analysis in a good running shop - and then good running shoes! It could be that you have weak core-stability - try clenching your abs while your un. And lastly - if it continues - get advice - it could be something you need to get fixed by a physiotherapist or osteopath... If…