need running help- can't get going!

bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
hi all.

i could really use a push in the right direction here.

i've been gradually building up my times using c210k- i'm currently stuck at run 45, walk 1, run 20. and i don't know why, because i've done it once already (well, ran 45, walked 1, ran 10- stopped at 10 because of an accident i helped at). so i know i can do it. but the last 3 days i just can't seem to get going. i haven't run more that 20 mins at a time and given up at about 30 or 40 mins. this hasn't happened to me before- i've never been one to finish prematurely ;-0. and i've been consistently getting better for about 3 1/2 months.

i'm starting to get a little disheartened that my head is playing with me like this.... any ideas of how to get out of this kind of funk?

do i leave it a few days and go back to it? or do i need a new motivation (but i'm training for a 10k next sunday, and also a half marathon in october, and i'm starting to lower my expectations from 'i want to run it all', to 'it's ok if i run and walk', which i absolutely don't want to do).

any help or suggestions appreciated.


  • Honestly, it really is okay to walk some/run some etc. To prevent it though... I'd suggest major pacing. Alternate distance and time every other day and on the last day of the week, push for both. What does that look like?

    Monday - Run ______ miles no matter how long it takes (Easy Pace)
    Tuesday - Run for 30 minutes at a moderate pace
    Wednesday - Cross Train (something that's not running)
    Thursday - Run for 30 minutes at a moderate pace
    Friday - Run the distance at the moderate pace...when you grow tired, alterate 1 minute of running and 1 minute of walking

    Before you know it, you'll be shaving time off of your distance and build your endurance to go even further. If you're a newbie, I'd start off on a 2 or 3 mile run. If you've been at it a while (which it seems you have if you are training for a half marathon this october) your Monday/Friday run should be around 4.5 to 5 miles minimum.

    Just a suggestion....
  • Maybe you should try doing some exercises that help build muscle like squats and lunges? Start off every run with at least a five minute walk to warm up and end each run with a cool down and stretch so you don't pull any muscles. Hope that helps!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I read a post the other day where someone said that all it took to get her moving was for someone to tell her she couldn't do what she was trying to do. So she got mad and proved that she could do it! So, my suggestion is find someone to tell you that you can't do it, or just imagine someone telling you that you cant (preferably someone whose nose you'd like to rub in it) then get mad and kick some butt!!! Be sure not to push your body too hard and hurt yourself in the process though. :o)

    Good luck!
  • claireM74
    claireM74 Posts: 10
    It really does just take one thing. I used to be convinced i could never really run, then one thing changed and I now regularly do 10k races!!! Running changed my life and I LOVE it now!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    You can do it. It's all about getting your head right..

    I reckon take a few days off, do some other form of exercise then come back and try again, try to do deuce3Degotrip's plan. I totally agree with setting a distance and running the whole thing, walking is not allowed, but run it slow, I know you'll say I can't run any slower ... you can, try it. Then each week maintain that same distance, and as you're doing the shorter runs at a faster pace, you'll find soon enough you're completing your longer run faster.

    is a good app for your phone, GPS and it tells you how far/ fast/ long your run is.
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